Author Archive

Book Review: Are Humans Really Responsible for Changing Climate? The Trial of C02 in Court of Public Opinion

Written by For the Novel Lovers

Book Review

Title: Looking out the Window: Are Humans Really Responsible for Changing Climate? The Trial of Carbon Dioxide in the Court of Public Opinion by Bob Webster

Genre: Non-Fiction, Science, Climate

Rating: 5 Stars

Climate change is something every single person has probably heard about or been taught about at some point in their life but in this book, Webster asks the question; are humans really responsible for climate change or is there something else going on. Webster lays out the questions he is going to answer using the scientific method which we have to remember, can’t validate a theory but can invalidate one if it doesn’t match up with real world observations.

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Open letter to the MHRA – Subject: Notification: Findings Regarding mRNA Vaccine Vials

Written by Phil Harper


covid vaccine vial

To: Defective Medication Reporting Centre (DMRC)
Email: [email protected]

To the regulators at the MHRA,

Please be advised that this is an open letter intended to inform both yourselves and the public.

I write to you with a pressing concern surrounding the contents of the mRNA vaccines, which were presented to the FDA by Mr. Kevin McKernan on June 15th, 2023. Mr. McKernan possesses significant expertise, with 25 years in the genomic space, an extensive history working with the Human Genome Project at Whitehead MIT, over 57,000 citations, and several patents on PCR and sequencing.

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Sinister Developments

Written by Dr. John Campbell

In this video, Dr. John Campbell is going to be looking at some sinister developments that have been taking shape recently.

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