In the 1930s there were many young actresses who started their careers in the age of “talkies” the motion pictures with sound that surpassed the silent picture age.
Hedy Lamarr – Actress Turned Top Scientist WW2
Written by Forgotten History
Written by Forgotten History
In the 1930s there were many young actresses who started their careers in the age of “talkies” the motion pictures with sound that surpassed the silent picture age.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this installment of the relationships lecture, we establish how important Father’s are for the development of girls.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we cover how to establish a long lasting relationship and pair bonds after recovering from sexual trauma or a history of promiscuity.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we look at the fifth relationship lecture and we talk about all the factors that measurably impact the happiness and success of a marriage.
Written by For the Novel Lovers
Book Review
Title: Looking out the Window: Are Humans Really Responsible for Changing Climate? The Trial of Carbon Dioxide in the Court of Public Opinion by Bob Webster
Genre: Non-Fiction, Science, Climate
Rating: 5 Stars
Climate change is something every single person has probably heard about or been taught about at some point in their life but in this book, Webster asks the question; are humans really responsible for climate change or is there something else going on. Webster lays out the questions he is going to answer using the scientific method which we have to remember, can’t validate a theory but can invalidate one if it doesn’t match up with real world observations.
Written by Phil Harper
To: Defective Medication Reporting Centre (DMRC)
Email: [email protected]
To the regulators at the MHRA,
Please be advised that this is an open letter intended to inform both yourselves and the public.
I write to you with a pressing concern surrounding the contents of the mRNA vaccines, which were presented to the FDA by Mr. Kevin McKernan on June 15th, 2023. Mr. McKernan possesses significant expertise, with 25 years in the genomic space, an extensive history working with the Human Genome Project at Whitehead MIT, over 57,000 citations, and several patents on PCR and sequencing.
Written by Up and Atom
Can you think of a shape that can completely cover a surface but never in a predictable repeating pattern? No one knew such a shape existed until now.
Written by Anton Petrov
In this video, Anton Petrov discusses Quantum Entanglement and begins with a brief introduction to what this means.
Written by BritMonkey
In 1825, Egyptologists excavated tomb KV9 in Eastern Egypt, the resting place of Pharaoh Ramesses V, who died nearly 3000 years ago.
Written by Chris Williamson
Chris and Eric Weinstein explore the ramifications of sidelining physics. Why does Eric Weinstein believe it’s crucial to prioritize physics?
Written by Geoff Buys Cars
Do we have a problem with MALFUNCTIONING MGS…?
Written by Dr. John Campbell
In this video, Dr. John Campbell discusses changes in menstruation for women who have received the Covid-19 vaccine.
Written by Dr. John Campbell
In this video, Dr. John Campbell is going to be looking at some sinister developments that have been taking shape recently.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this Fourth Relationship lecture we continue to look at flaws in some of John Gottman’s research.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this Third Relationship Lecture we observe the Zeigarnik effect and why this makes unresolved issues in relationships so challenging.
Written by Anton Petrov
In this video, Anton Petrov discusses the Indian Moon mission and what was found now it is finally over.