From the CO2Science Archive: The impact of predicted ocean acidification on coral calcification remains a matter of debate given the wide range of responses that have been observed in laboratory and field studies to date.
In honour of a scientific journal retracting an article not because it was wrong but because the alarmist gatekeepers don’t want you to read it, we are re-running our series telling you what the authors said concerning extreme weather trends.
Leader of the international campaign for an unbiased official probe into alleged COVID19 ‘vaccine crimes’ has been arrested in Mexico and deported to Germany, according to reports.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a German lawyer and spokesman for the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, a non-governmental investigative committe based in Germany, was a key player among those aiming to expose official misconduct during the pandemic crisis. He faces prosecution under separate German and EU warrants.
I had the privilege of speaking with medical students from the University of Arizona, delving into their thoughts on nutrition and their current studies in medical school.
In this video, Dr. John Campbell discusses cancer reactivation and profound new medical research from Professor Angus Dalgleish, MD, FRCP, FRCPA, FRCPath, FMedSci.
In an excellent Substack by Dr. James Thorp (CLICK HERE), it is pointed out that drug regulators continue to say the COVID19 so-called “vaccines” are “safe and effective”. This is despite the fact that these injections were not throughly safety tested prior to release to the general public.
If I were to tell you that the cycles of the Sun could affect your entire life, you might think we were taking a turn from astronomy to astrology, but this isn’t the case.
Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly “Wednesday Wakeup” newsletterfrom the fact that much of the U.S. had a cooler than normal summer to accumulating evidence.
The question of when exactly the serious negative effects of man-made climate change hit, are hitting, will hit or will hit even harder continues to perplex friend and foe alike.
Periodically someone sends us a paper, a video or just some reflections to the effect that “Greenhouse-warming theory has never been verified by experiment”. And it has a slightly annoying “gotcha” feel because some key aspects of AGW certainly have been experimentally verified, like that CO2 absorbs and scatters infrared radiation at certain frequencies, as does water vapour.
In this installment of our relationship lectures we look at the brain correlates and negative consequences of sex addiction and wrap up with all the benefits of marriage and negative effects of divorce.
In this installment of the relationship lectures we talk about infidelity, what factors contribute to, including promiscuity and poor father-daughter relationships and the types of people who cheat.
In October 2022, a baby in the US, Sawyer, died at just eight weeks of age, 34 hours after receiving a series of vaccines. The police suspected the parents were at fault and the State medical examiner said the death was caused by improper sleeping position – thereby essentially blaming the parents – and refused to order a series of toxicology tests.
Saturday 14th October: hear two-hours of live – often controversial – radio discussion. First hour: author, Fred Litwin argues Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating JFK. Second hour: Prof Gloria Moss on shaken baby syndrome and how young mothers can often be falsely accused of infant death when the real cause is deliberately hidden to protect vested interests.
Our maps of the ocean are surprisingly bad! On Google Maps it looks like we know so much… but we know less about the ocean floor than we do the surface of Mars.