In this video, we continue looking into transgenderism, this time focusing on sexologists.
Transgenderism Part 4 Addendum: Who Are All These Sexologists?
Written by Well Here We Go
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we continue looking into transgenderism, this time focusing on sexologists.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we are continuing to look at transgenderism and are delving deep into the Christine Jorgensen story.
Written by Epoch Times
Officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as some doctors, say that fewer pregnant women are getting influenza and other vaccines this year.
Written by Nature
Scientists once considered sleep to be like a shade getting drawn over a window between the brain and the outside world: when the shade is closed, the brain stops reacting to outside stimuli.
Written by Tesla Telegraph
At the turn of the last century, a prolific inventor registered patents for a revolutionary energy device designed to convert natural cosmic energy into electricity. Nikola Tesla was born in Serbia in 1956 and emigrated to the U. S. in 1884. There, he started out working for fellow inventor Thomas Edison, and before long, Tesla established his own companies and labs where he developed the prototypes for technologies still in service today. Among these are the AC induction motor and transformer, early X-ray technology and a steam-powered oscillator. During his lifetime, the inventor registered more than 700 patents for his cutting-edge concepts.
Written by Anton Petrov
In this video, Anton Petrov is discussing extremely powerful solar events that might one day threaten our technological society.
Written by Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD
In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Scientist & Engineer, Independent Candidate for U.S. President, does a detailed Systems Visualization exposing his discovery of the mechanics of HOW the few – the elites – control the many, and reveals the solution of WHAT we must do to break free to WIN Truth Freedom Health.
Written by Astrum
They are watching you. The Earth is surrounded by eyes, studying you, tracking you, trying to understand every aspect of your day-to-day life.
Written by Forgotten History
Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 Nazi German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959.
Written by For the Novel Lovers
Book Review
Title: The Curious History of the Heart: A Cultural and Scientific Journey by Vincent M. Figueredo
Genre: Non-Fiction, Science, Medical
Rating: 5 Stars
The introduction of The Curious History of the Heart introduces us to the idea that historically, the heart was the centre of the self and the most important organ in the body. However, as technological and medical advances were made this was switched to the brain. Yet, this doesn’t explain that heart-brain connection and it seems that recently the more historical view on the heart being more important than just a pump to move blood around the body is making a comeback.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we look at Harry Benjamin, the still often cited father of modern transgenderism and his “transsexual Phenomenon” based some very poor “science”.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we look at an addendum to Part 2 of the transgenderism series focusing on Sigmund Freud.
Written by John O'Sullivan
Saturday 21st October 2023: On TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying hear the latest on a new climate theory as well as a seasoned Wahington DC journalist’s insights on the debacle referred to as the January 6th insurrection.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we are continuing our dive into the idea of transgenderism. We are looking at little deeper in this video by studying the work of Magnus Hirschfeld.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we are beginning to look at the Occult and Esoteric origins of changing genders.
Written by Dr. John Campbell
In this video, Dr. John Campbell discusses reclaiming food and medicine and well as ending corruption and chronic disease with Dr. Aseem Malhotra.