Working with a line of colon cancer cells, Korean researchers figured out a way to throw a few genetic switches to cause the cells to revert back to a healthy state.
I recently offered to help Steve Kirsch and team in a public debate on whether the COVID vaccine saved more lives than it killed. This is an important endeavor.
Picturing how our species might appear in the far future often invites wild speculation over stand-out features such as height, brain size, and skin complexion.
The religious mindset embraces the belief that there is more to life than the material world of the senses. There are truths that transcend the here and now.
Blackout – if ever a single word could strike fear into ministers it is this. The prospect of Britain’s lights, computers, offices and so much more all shutting down, and the huge political backlash that would follow – are the stuff of ministerial nightmares
A new study by Australian researchers concluded myocarditis following Covid vaccination tended to be clinically mild, but the condition affected young men more severely than other groups
The Norwegian Ministry of Energy has awarded 53 new production licenses on its continental shelf as part of its annual APA 2024 licensing round, reinforcing the country’s commitment to maintaining its position as a stable energy supplier to Europe
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on Wednesday that it is banning the use of Red No. 3, a synthetic dye responsible for the vibrant cherry red color in foods and beverages, citing its association with cancer in animal studies:
Stardust Labs LTD is a “stealth startup” founded by Professor Eli Waxman, head of the Particle Physics and Astrophysics department at the Weizmann Institute and former Chief Scientist of the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC), and Dr. Yanai Yedvab, former Deputy Chief Scientist at the IAEC.
Attempts to pin the catastrophic California wildfires on the bogeyman of “climate change” are a deflection from the real culprits, the Wall Street Journal editorial board wrote Monday
Obesity is currently defined using a person’s body mass index, or BMI. This is calculated as weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of height (in metres). In people of European descent, the BMI for obesity is 30 kg/m² and over.
U.S. regulators on Tuesday added to growing concerns about the long-standing practice of using sewage sludge to fertilize farmland, releasing a report warning that chemicals contaminating the sludge pose heightened human health risks for cancer and other illnesses.