Author Archive

China, Britan, and Cognitive Warfare

Written by Robert Malone

I am constantly amazed by how many social media warriors and alternative media “journalists” are completely unaware of how effectively they are being manipulated by the on-line tactics and strategies of cognitive warfare. Having spent a couple of years now investigating, learning, and teaching about PsyWar, Fifth Generation Warfare, and Cognitive Warfare, I have become acutely aware of these methods – in part because they have been quite effectively deployed on me for three straight years.

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Ralph Baric: JS Bach of Viral Genetic Engineering

Written by John Leake

Between 1723 and his death in 1750, Johann Sebastian Bach was cantor of the St. Thomas Church in Leipzig, Germany. His primary duty was composing music for Sunday services, and he did not disappoint. During this period he composed 265 cantatas, the St. Matthew Passion, and Mass in B Minor.

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Covid-19 Vaccination In Children

Written by Phillip Altman

Pfizer, the FDA and CDC say there was no problem with the Covid-19 “vaccine” in children. CLICK HERE to view the tragic story of Maddie who participated in the original Pfizer Covid-19 “vaccine” clinical trial.  Investigative reporter Cheryl Attkisson reveals what really happened and the disgraceful behaviour of the doctors involved.

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Did Newton and Gauss Prove Their Laws?

Written by Dr. Nisa Khan

Saturday 27th January 2024: World-leading LED lighting expert, Dr Nisa Khan appears on the popular TNT Radio science show, Sky Dragon Slaying, to explain why continuous exposure to LED lights in our homes and vehicles may cause life-threatening cancers.

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Vaccinated Are Categorised As Unvaccinated

Written by Norman Fenton

Chief Nerd has broken the ‘shocking’ story that CDC defines:

an ‘Unvaccinated’ person as someone who “has not been verified to have received [an] COVID-19 vaccine.” Essentially if a person’s vaccination status is UNKNOWN they are labeled as ‘Unvaccinated’.

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Two Anti-Globalists Brought Davos A Reality Check

Written by Climate Change Dispatch

While globalists, heads of large corporations, and officials in international organizations may consider democracy more of a spectator sport than a representative political system embraced by countries around the world, at least they were willing to allow some competition into the ring this year.

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