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“BioDefense” Film Predicts New Threats

Written by john Leake

The Australian-based Substack DEMOCRACYMANIFEST just published a report on a trailer for a new film titled “BioDefense,” produced by the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense. This Commission is composed of the various Washington D.C. career politicians who are strongly aligned with various players and institutions in the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.

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Why Should You Have Ashwagandha in Your Diet?

Written by Allison DeMajistre

Ashwagandha is a top-selling, stress-reducing herbal remedy from Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine. In Ayurveda, it’s been considered a “rejuvenator” for millennia. “Ashwa” in Sanskrit means “horse,” and “gandha” means “smell,” and it’s believed to impart the power of a horse to those who use it.

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Puberty Blockers For UK Children Banned over ‘Irreversible’ Damage

Written by Jamie White

England’s National Health Service (NHS) has banned puberty blockers for children 16 years old and under over negative and potentially irreversible side effects. The NHS now admits what many critics of transgender treatments have been saying all along: that puberty blockers have irreversible and damaging effects on children, including sterility.

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U.S. Space Force Has Now Enlisted South Korea

Written by Bruce Gagnon

I recently concluded a 10-day speaking tour of South Korean communities – from Jeju Island to Seoul. The trip was organized by activists around the country to create a growing understanding of the surging US-South Korean (ROK) space warfare development program.

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Daylight Saving Time Is not Good for Our Health

Written by John Mac Ghlionn

Every year,  on the second Sunday of March, the vast majority of Americans set their clocks forward by one hour for daylight saving time. While DST provides an extra hour of evening light and enjoys public support, new research suggests its negative health impacts outweigh the benefits.

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