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Wind & Solar Generators Couldn’t Care Less

Written by Stop These Things

Solar panels smothered with snow and ice produce nothing; wind turbines frozen solid during breathless, frigid weather produce even less (they actually consume power from the grid to run heating systems meant to prevent their internal workings suffering permanent damage).

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Comeuppance Is A Dish Best Served Hot

Written by Rollo Tomassi

Lex Talionis is a Latin term that refers to the law of retribution, in which a penalty is meted out per the nature and severity of the offense. ”Lex” refers to a set of rules or regulations. Talionis translates as ”of such a nature. ”

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WHO’s Rules Embedded Undemocratic “Voting”

Written by Meryl Nass MD

When the delegates don’t want their constituents to know how they voted on a controversial matter, such as handing sovereignty of their nation over to the WHO, they can simply decide to hold a secret ballot. And the decision to hold a secret ballot may not be recorded or held by roll call. Sweet, huh?

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The Forgotten Roman City In Africa

Written by Archaeology World Team

While the whole city often does not vanish, the Roman colony of Thamugadi was established in the North African province of Mumidia by Emperor Traian about 100 A.D., the city, also known as Timgad or Tamugas

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