How many times were you told the “vaccines” were “safe and effective”; the “vaccines” prevent infection and transmission of infection; the “vaccines” would keep you from going to hospital with COVID-19; the “vaccines” would reduce your chance of death; it was a pandemic of the “unvaccinated”?
The increase in atmospheric CO2 levels, attributed primarily to human activities such as the burning of ‘fossil fuels’ and land-use changes, is often discussed in the context of its role in driving ‘climate change’ and its associated negative impacts
The United Nations Foundation, a nonprofit founded in the 1990s to support global U.N. initiatives, is quietly fueling climate policies in top Democratic state government offices nationwide, Fox News Digital has learned.
At the heart thunderstorms are powered by the interplay between the thermodynamics of the air and the electrodynamics of the charges in our atmosphere.
Following many trillions of dollars spent on “net carbon neutral” fantasies of “green energy” and “clean electric vehicles,” about 25 years too late we’re finally witnessing serious court challenges to the sort of “science” that spawned these costly and economically destructive climate alarm-premised boondoggles in the first place
The uncovering of the stunning megalithic architecture of Göbekli Tepe in modern day Türkiye less than three decades ago turned our view of pre-history upside down, with the massive t-shaped pillars of the site pre-dating the pyramids and Stonehenge by some six or seven thousand years