Contraception, abortion, sterile sexual identities, anti-natalist propaganda, and now killer and sterilizing injections, have been mobilized to defuse a population bomb which never went off
The December 1 to February 29 meteorological winter ended and the latest data for the mean winter temperature are available for Tokyo and its island Hachijō-jima
Almost eight million UK jobs could be lost to artificial intelligence in a “jobs apocalypse”, according to a report warning that women, younger workers and those on lower wages are at most risk from automation
In an era where climate concerns seem to dominate the global dialogue, a pressing paradox presents itself: no nation has yet managed to lift its populace out of poverty without a significant increase in CO2 emissions
A BBC reporter tried to shame the president of Guyana [pictured above] about having resources that could improve his nation’s economy and the quality of life of his people because it would increase ‘carbon’ emissions
On March 19, 2024, the Senate of the state of Tennessee voted overwhelmingly to pass a bill that would prohibit geoengineering experiments anywhere in the state
If it is possible to watch a society—an entire civilization—go insane, we are watching that phenomenon in real time. Across all forms of media, the headlines bring fresh evidence daily
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged people to stop taking ivermectin to treat COVID-19, according to a settlement dated March 21
In the initial study of the Pfizer vaccine, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, with around 44 thousand people, with 22 thousand in the placebo group and about 22 thousand in the vaccine group, more people died from all causes in the vaccine arm than in the placebo arm