This is a really important article. It catalyzed my understanding of what the heck is going on. The facts are obvious; the entire response to the global pandemic was facilitated by the World Health Organization. Their recommendations were followed lock-step by virtually every government on Earth.
A World Health Organization (WHO) researcher says there is no evidence linking deaths to any CCP virus vaccine, after numerous European Union countries and other nations suspended usage of AstraZeneca’s vaccine amid reports of blood clots.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has announced that it is not encouraging the use of “vaccine passports.” They put this down to a combination of both “ethical and scientific” reasons. Dr Hans Kluge told a press briefing on Thursday that the use of vaccine passports “should not be a requirement for a number of reasons.”
Hundreds of care home residents had Do Not Resuscitate orders imposed on them without their consent during the pandemic, a damning report reveals today. The care watchdog investigated the ‘blanket use’ of the notices in social care amid the crisis and highlighted 508 cases which may have breached human rights law.
Hundreds of farmers and human rights groups are boycotting the 2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit because they believe it favors agribusiness interests, elite foundations and the exploitation of African food systems.1
Looking through the back of your freezer can unearth all manner of goodies that you’d likely forgotten about, but probably nothing quite as surprising as a discovery made at the back of a freezer at the University of Copenhagen.
Last weekend, a complaint from the organization “People of Truth” was filed with the Hague Tribunal by lawyers Ruth Machnes and Aryeh Suchowolski, of the law firm A. Suchovolsky and Co., concerning violations of the Nuremberg Code by the Israeli government and other parties. However, the complaint filed last week before the International Criminal Court was accepted.
A Swedish professor of epidemiology has quit researching COVID-19 after facing fierce backlash over his findings that the illness poses a low threat to children — undermining the political argument that schools can’t reopen.
The head of Britain’s Covid-19 genomics programme has warned that there will be a need for regular booster jabs to protect people against the virus as new potentially vaccine-busting variants emerge.
After a year now of pandemic life, America appears to be barreling toward a better future: Cases are way down from their winter peak, and vaccinations have continued to accelerate. In less than two months, President Joe Biden has promised, there will be enough supply for every adult in the country to get their jab. One of the biggest obstacles remaining: Convincing people to take their shots.
In a new study, scientists from the University of Oslo say one side of Earth’s interior is losing heat much faster than the other side—and the culprit is practically as old as time.
In an open letter to WHO and in a follow-up video interview, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, says that by vaccinating everyone with a vaccine that doesn’t prevent transmission, we are destroying people’s immune systems, and setting the stage for a global health disaster.