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Billions spent by UK government on fighting Covid need scrutiny

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The point of Brexit, according to its champions, was to liberate Britain from intolerable EU rules. One of these was that government contracts should always go out to transparent competitive tender. This was supposed to aid efficiency and avert the endemic corruption of certain European states. One such state now appears to be Britain.

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Covid RNA Vaccines: Already More Than 1000 Post-Vaccination Deaths

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Data from vaccine adverse event reporting systems in the US (VAERS), the EU (EUDRA) and the UK (MHRA) indicates that covid RNA vaccinations have already been associated with more than 1000 deaths and several thousand non-trivial ‘adverse events’, including anaphylactic (allergic) shocks, temporary facial paralysis, and, in some cases, miscarriages. These figures may be an underestimate, as vaccine reporting systems typically cover only a fraction of adverse events.

For the US, see: 653 Deaths + 12,044 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine (After making this data public, the Instagram account of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with 800k followers got deleted).

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