Image: World Trademark Review
Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech said on Friday they have requested the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to expand the emergency use of their Covid-19 vaccine in adolescents aged 12 to 15.
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Written by Dr Joseph Mercola
Image: Sambad English
It would be naïve to think that digital vaccine certificates, tied to our biometric IDs, banking, credit histories, health and food allocation data could not end up being used as a tool for social control and the destruction of certain groups of people.
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Image: YouTube
A pneumologist has been cleared of suspicion of “malpractice” by the Bihor Medical College in Romania after having been summoned on Monday to present her personal method for treating COVID-19 patients, which she claims has already allowed her to cure up to 1,000 patients.
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Years from now when we look back at the coronavirus pandemic, one of the first people we’ll think of is Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. And why not? It was one year ago when an argument could be made that the two most trusted public figures on COVID-19 were Fauci and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
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Covid-status certificates being considered by ministers to help open up society could amount to unlawful indirect discrimination, the government’s independent equalities watchdog has advised.
As ministers decide whether the documents should be introduced as passports to certain events later this year, the Equality and Human Rights Commission has told the Cabinet Office they risk creating a “two-tier society”.
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Image: Graham Hughes via
THE PRESIDENT OF the High Court has ruled that a General Practitioner who has allegedly told a patient that the Covid-19 pandemic is “a hoax” should be temporarily suspended from practising medicine.
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Image: BBC
Covid infections have dropped below 100 cases per 100,000 people in every local area of the UK for the first time in seven months, new data shows. Two areas, the Orkney Islands and Western Isles, have no recorded cases while Rother in East Sussex and North Devon have a rate of just 1.
Written by Matthew Ehret
As the China-Russian-Iran alliance continues to gain new momentum spreading win-win cooperation and development across Asia, Africa and the World, the dying unipolar system run by detached militarists, financiers and technocrats is doubling down on its weird mix of 1) a “scorched earth” offensive threat to “dissuade” China and Russia from continuing on their current trajectory and 2) a “positive” green game on which nations are invited to tie their destinies as an alternative to China’s BRI.
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Image: Kate Evans
In February 2019, Mark Magee was scraping the bucket of his 45-ton excavator through a hillside when it hit something 30 feet down that wouldn’t budge.
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Image: The Herald
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Image: Astronomy Magazine
NASA will upload a “minor modification” of flight control software to the Ingenuity helicopter ahead of its first attempt at powered flight on Mars, and says the process of doing so means it can’t say when attempts to send craft into Red skies will take place.
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Image: The Telegraph
Cities worldwide AND entire countries have taken action to ban, delay, halt, and limit 5G installation AS WELL AS issue moratoriums due to economic, environmental, health, and public safety risks. In fact, the majority of scientists worldwide oppose deployment. Nevertheless, it’s now operating in Germany.
Written by Tom Woods
YouTube keeps removing information people need about the virus, as we know, but now the Wall Street Journal, rather a significant platform, is blasting them for it.
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If you are even just considering getting vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a message for you: don’t do it!
Written by Tomer Tamarkin
Image: Twitter
One of the early purposes of climate alarmism was to stimulate the reduction of the worldwide population over an extended period, under the ultimate control of a single worldwide government. It is predicated on the fictitious notion of man-produced climate change.
Written by Foundation for Economic Education
Image: Centre for International Environmental Law
On his first day as president, Joe Biden, flanked by a portrait of Ben Franklin, called on the federal government to “advance environmental justice” and “be guided by the best science.” In many ways, Biden’s words came as no surprise. Throughout the 2020 campaign and after, Biden had often repeated the phrases “listen to the science” and “I believe in science,” presumably to contrast himself with his opponent.