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Net Zero means massive cuts in meat, heat, cars, dairy products

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Image: HVP Magazine

The cost to YOU of Boris’s green dream: To meet 80 percent reduction on carbon emissions by 2035 we’ll have to spend £10,000 upgrading our homes, drink three TEASPOONS of milk a day, eat meat just twice a week, endure colder houses, drastically reduce car use and barely fly once a year.

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Prof Philip Thomas: There will be no third wave of deaths

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A welcome sense of normality is at last beginning to return to Britain. As shops and bars re-open and families reunite, the long ordeal of lockdown appears to be coming to an end. Given the current positive trends, the Government’s target of full freedom by June 21 looks like it should be met. But that is not the message conveyed by a number of pessimistic experts. Full of bleak foreboding, they warn that the lifting of Covid restrictions could plunge us into another health crisis.

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U.S. Scientists ‘Playing God’ with Human-Animal ‘Experiments’

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Image: Pixabay

Many like to point out the evil that is going on in our streets, in our boardrooms and in the halls of power in Washington, but often some of the most horrific crimes that are happening in our society are taking place in our scientific laboratories.  For years, the U.S. government funded the use of “fresh” aborted babies in experiments that created bizarre human-mouse hybrids for “scientific research” purposes.  And now we are learning that U.S. scientists have created human-monkey hybrid embryos for the first time ever.

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The COVID-19 Extinction Level Event

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What the world is experiencing in 2021 and going forward is a manmade EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT via an ongoing series of bioterrorists acts perpetrated by a genocidal conspiracy of state actors, corporate entities, NGOs, secret societies[1] and terrorist organizations such as NATO (aka North Atlantic Terrorist Organization).

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Study: COVID infection fatality rate at only 0.15 percent

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Image: Shutterstock

STANFORD, California, April 16, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — A new study released by Professor John P. A. Ioannidis of Stanford University, California, has found that the infection fatality rate (IFR) of COVID-19 is significantly lower than previous studies indicated. According to Ioannidis, a medicine and epidemiology professor, the virus is less deadly than once thought, registering at a mere 0.15% fatality rate.

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The Global COVID19 Propaganda & Fakery Continues

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Dystopian reality has now taken on a whole new meaning, as the people have become slaves, but they continue in a time of extreme misery, squalor, and oppression, to accept this state of tyranny voluntarily. Many are even excited about this turn of events because they have been given the illegal capability to become completely irresponsible, while collecting extortion money at the expense of their neighbors and countrymen.

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Ghost in the Shell: Will AI Ever Be Conscious?

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Image: Lifeboat Foundation

Imagine you undergo a procedure in which every neuron in your brain is gradually replaced by functionally-equivalent electronic components. Let’s say the replacement occurs a single neuron at a time, and that behaviorally, nothing about you changes. From the outside, you are still “you,” even to your closest friends and loved ones.

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UAH Global Temperature Drops Below 30-Year Baseline

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The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for March, 2021 has come in at -0.01 deg. C below the 30-year baseline, down from the February, 2021 value of +0.20 deg. C, and down substantially (approx. 0.6C deg. C) from where we were around a year ago.

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Media Claims Global Crops Shrinking As Harvests Set Records

Written by Climate Change Dispatch

Among its top search results today for “climate change,” Google News is promoting a story published by Courthouse News Service claiming climate change has caused a dramatic decline in farm productivity. However, data from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) show that crop production and yields are consistently growing and setting new records almost every year.

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