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Mars helicopter seeing software issues

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Image: NASA

Software issues prevented the fourth scheduled flight of NASA’s Mars Ingenuity helicopter. The delay was not unexpected nor prevents future flights. In fact, NASA reassured a waiting world that the helicopter is “safe and in good health.”

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Mexico Tells U.S. It Won’t Accept Agricultural GMO Genocide

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Image: Juan Barreto/AFP via Getty Images

A coalition of 80 U.S. agricultural, consumer, environmental, public health, and worker groups sent a letter Thursday to key figures in the Biden administration calling for them to “respect Mexico’s sovereignty and refrain from interfering with its right to enact health-protective policies”—specifically, the phaseout of the herbicide glyphosate and the cultivation of genetically modified corn.

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Relativistic Rotational Angular Momentum

Written by Dr. Raymond HV Gallucci, PE

Image: Wikipedia

Abstract.  This is an exercise without a conclusion, intended to examine a phenomenon that, in the relativistic world, seems most difficult to comprehend, let alone explain – relativistic rotational angular momentum.  Many have tackled the problem, known as the “Ehrenfest Paradox,” primarily in terms of analyzing effects on the size and geometry of a relativistically rotating disk.  Length contraction and time dilation interplay with aspects of general relativity and hyperbolic geometry according to the experts.

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Scottish Inventor creates Road surfacing Out of Waste plastics

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Image: MacRebur

The facts on plastic pollution just keep getting more dire. A 2016 MacArthur Foundation report found that “only 14 percent of plastic packaging is collected for recycling” out of the billions of tons produced every year. Now, Scottish engineer Toby McCartney is doing his part to put a dent in that environmental impact with his unique invention. His company, called MacRebur, uses waste plastic to literally pave the roads—creating what he calls the world’s first “plastic roads.”

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Scientific American Admits it: COVID Made Flu ‘Disappear’

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Image: Technology Networks

Imagine that. The seasonal flu that has infected hundreds of thousands of Americans every year has magically disappeared since COVID-19 has surfaced. If you want to read the most blatant propaganda on Earth that only those with absolutely no critical thinking skills would believe, look no further than Scientific American’s reason why there is no more flu.

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CDC Violated Law to Inflate COVID Cases and Fatalities

Written by Dr Joseph Mercola

Image: The Vaccine Free Child

In this interview, Dr. Henry Ealy, ND, BCHN, better known as Dr. Henele, a certified holistic nutritionist and founder/executive community director of the Energetic Health Institute,1 reviews how U.S. federal regulatory agencies have manipulated COVID-19 statistics to control the pandemic narrative.

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Are we Headed into Another Ice Age?

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Image: GAF

Our model has projected we are entering another “grand-minimum,” which will overtake the sun beginning in 2020 and will last through the 2050s, resulting in diminished magnetism, infrequent sunspot production, and less ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching Earth. This all means we are facing a global cooling period in the planet that may span 31 to 43 years.

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