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The Island Where Marvelous Marconi Turned ‘Carnival Showman’

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Image: Secolo d’Italia

Guglielmo Marconi is famous for sending the first transatlantic wireless signal from Cornwall to Newfoundland, with his two radio stations on the Lizard peninsula covered by a previous Geek’s Guide. But he worked up to this achievement on the Isle of Wight, the England-in-miniature that lies just off the south coast of Hampshire.

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Artificial Spike Proteins And The End of Human Health

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It is hard to believe, and it is certainly new, that a virus can actually cause long-term changes to an infected person’s genes. It’s incredibly scary that results from a new cell study found that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can bring about long-term gene expression changes even when exposure is minimal.

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A climate apocalypse now? Er, well, not really

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Image: The Conversation

RUNAWAY climate chaos, catastrophic climate breakdown, the climate apocalypse. It’s happening now! So what is it like? A report from the Global Warming Policy Foundation looks at extreme weather trends around the world and reveals all.

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Broadening Weather Radar’s Scope

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Image: Strathmore Times

Weather radar has come a long way, showing much more today than the stormy conditions ahead. Windshear and turbulence detection is being integrated into on-board radar systems, as are terrain and traffic warning systems. Pilots now can be presented different warnings of the three major hazards–traffic, weather and terrain–and even have indicated the hazard that needs priority attention.

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COVID Commission Plans 9/11-Style Pandemic Investigation

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Image: Adelyn Birch

The coverup is well underway with a star-studded roster of global Technocrats setting up to create the ultimate “official” investigation about what happened over the last year. They even brought in Philip Zelikow, the former executive director of the 9/11 Commission. The foxes are building their own hen-house. ⁃ TN Editor

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Earth’s Climate is Heterogeneous and not Homogenous

Written by Jerry Krause PhD (Chemistry)


Image: Stephen Kreig

TWO WORDS:  HETEROGENEOUS and HOMOGENEOUS. Heterogeneous:  “Differing in kind, having unlike qualities; opposed to homogeneous.” (Websters) Homogeneous:  “Of the same kind or nature; consisting of similar parts or elements; —opposed to heterogeneous.” (Websters)

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