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Anthony Fauci: “Attacks on Me Are Attacks Against Science”

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Ego-maniacal Fauci proclaims that “any attack against him” -based on his lies, fraud, deception and manipulation-  are “attacks on the very basis of science itself”.  Fauci is being preserved in the event the public become aware of how the Obama administration are behind the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

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Cell Phone Apocalypse

Written by Arthur Firstenberg

I recently received a letter in the mailfrom a woman in Florida describing the illnesses from which she has suffered for the past dozen years: Hashimoto’s disease, liver dysfunction, sinus infection, “exploding head,” complete loss of smell and partial loss of taste. “After all this time,” she wrote, “I now wonder how much radiation has been a part of my illness.”

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Claim: Climate Engineering Causing Drought & Earthquakes

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About a month ago, climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington said the severe drought unfolding in the Western United States is only going to get worse.  It has.  Now, large portions of the Western U.S are being hit with earthquakes.  Wigington contends that science shows the rash of earthquakes in the West are linked to climate engineering.

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Virus Spike Protein – an overview

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Viral Spike protein (S) binds to the ACE2 receptor, followed by viral fusion with the cell membrane, which involves priming of the S protein by proteases on the cell surface, and culminates in the entry and replication of the virus in the host cell cytoplasm [24].

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Major New Climate Impact Paper Deceives Public again

Written by Climate Change Dispatch

A major report on the economic impact of climate change published by the insurance giant Swiss Re and heavily promoted by Oxfam and the media is misleading the public, according to a rebuttal published today by the Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF).

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Fauci Threatened Scientists to Withdraw Study Linking COVID-19 to HIV

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Last year group of Indian scientists discovered that coronavirus was engineered with AIDS like insertions. After GreatGameIndia published the results of the study, it attracted heavy criticism to an extent that the authors were forced to retract their paper. Now, Fauci Emails reveal that it was Dr Anthony Fauci himself who threatened the Indian scientists and forced them to withdraw their study linking COVID-19 to AIDS virus.

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California earthquakes show worrying increase

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Are we getting close to a major seismic event on the west coast? Within the past several days, we have seen hundreds of earthquakes happen in southern California, there have been large earthquakes offshore near the Cascadia Subduction Zone, and there has been a very alarming swarm of earthquakes at Mt. Hood.

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