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Tyrannical New Era; The Great Reset & Depopulation Agenda

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A group of almost one thousand medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’, which is supported by more than 7,000 professionals including attorneys, scientists, teachers etc., made a shocking statement during a national press conference:  ‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A Swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’ 

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CBS News’ Interview with Climate Scientist Exposes the Scam

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Image: Janata Weekly

These people are asking us to commit to drastic lifestyle changes. They want to ban the internal combustion engine, build wind farms, go heavy on solar, and quit eating beef. Trillions in economic activity must be sacrificed to save Mother Earth. I don’t think that’s going to fly.

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Refuting The Greenhouse Gas Theory

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Image: Nursing Assignment Writers

By greenhouse theory glass, H2O, CO2 and other greenhouse gases are claimed to absorb infrared (IR) radiation. They are non-transparent to the infrared. Conversely, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Germanium are assumed to be transparent to IR. We know this by the instrument that measures IR, the thermoelectric thermopile.

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Is California heading for a large earthquake?

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Image: Earth Magazine

Have you noticed that there has been a whole lot of shaking going on around the world lately? A major volcanic eruption in Congo made headlines all over the globe, China was just hit by a couple of very large earthquakes, and Mt. Etna in Italy erupted four times in a six day stretch this month.

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Air Conditioners Might Be a Water Source of the future

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Image: John Gastaldo / Courtesy of San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

In the coastal city of Herzliya, Israel, not far from parched mountains and box canyons of the Negev Desert, air conditioners cool 46,000 square meters of glassy Microsoft Corp. office space. Like any air conditioning system, this one produces a byproduct: water. But instead of draining this water, called condensate, Microsoft reuses it to irrigate the campus’s landscaping and help cool the building.

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Review of COVID-19 Vaccines & the Risk of Chronic Adverse Events

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IntroductionUse of all pharmaceuticals, including vaccines, is associated with acute and long term/chronic risks. The acute risk of immunization against COVID-19 has been studied by others. Data from clinical trials and case reports sent to databases like the VAERs database in the USA have been analyzed to estimate the acute risk of immunization against COVID-19. Unfortunately, there is insufficient data, because immunization started so recently, to estimate the long term/chronic risk of immunization against COVID-19.

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Astronomy and the appreciation of life and the golden section

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In this short video the Rising Tide Foundation’s Matthew Ehret and classical painter/astronomer Patrick Cyr discuss the driving intention and philosophy behind the construction of a new dodecahedral observatory and the importance of the Golden Section in the foundation of a classical humanist curriculum.

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