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The Global Race Towards Full Vaccination

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Scientists initially estimated that 60 to 70 percent of a population would have to acquire resistance to Covid-19 in order for herd immunity to take effect, a threshold that has been revised upwards since the start of the year with 80 to 85 percent quoted in some cases.

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ESA’s Mars Express is now 18 years old and still going

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Wednesday June 2nd marked the 18th anniversary since the European Space Agency launched the extraordinarily long-lived Mars Express spacecraft from the Baikonur cosmodrome in 2003. Readers may recall the group operating Mars Express last talked to us in 2020, just as ESA was battening down the hatches in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, so we caught up with them again to discuss the latest milestone.

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California Really Is Running Out Of Water

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California is running out of water fast, according to NASA senior water scientist. Shockingly, the entire state of California will be out of water in just a year’s time. Yes, California will run out of water in 12 months, according to Jay Famiglietti, NASA senior water scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

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The BBC just can’t help themselves

Written by Andy Rowlands

A few days ago, the BBC carried an article on their website entitled ‘Then and now: Pandemic clears the air’, and it’s true, the pandemic has resulted in better air quality in many places. However, after just one paragraph, we got their usual fearmongering and virtue-signalling.

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Brian Gerrish: Our oppressors are very frightened people

Written by Brian Gerrish

On 28 May 2021, I gave evidence to the 54th session of the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, the German-based extraparliamentary inquiry by lawyers into the medical establishment’s and public policymakers’ handling of the Covid crisis internationally. The theme for the day during the 54th session was “Caught between nudging and side effects”. A transcript of my testimony is below.

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Fauci Emails Reveal Damage Control Scramble after Zerohedge reveal

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In January, 2020, when the World Health Organization insisted that COVID-19 wasn’t transmissible between humans, and Dr. Anthony Fauci said that the risk to the American public from the virus was “low,” officials at the National Institutes of Health were scrambling to perform damage control after a controversial – and now withdrawn – study suggested that there were HIV-like ‘insertions’ included in SARS-CoV-2.

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Physicists are on the brink of redefining time

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Image: Wallpaper Tip

Around the world, we are all controlled by the same, invisible force that tells us when to wake up, when to work, and even when to socialize: time. After this past year, the concept of time may seem less real than ever, but according to a team of physicists in Colorado, that couldn’t be further from the truth. The team used three different elements to measure the length of a second.

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How AI Is Cutting Wait Time at Red Lights

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Who hasn’t been stuck seething at an interminable red light with zero cross traffic? When this happened one time too many to Uriel Katz, he co-founded Israel-based, Palo Alto, California-headquartered tech startup NoTraffic in 2017.

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