As noted by View from the Wing, American Airlines is having some major operational issues, as the airline is canceling hundreds of flights over the course of a few days. The airline is even going so far as to reduce its July schedule, as the carrier is unable to reliably operate the number of flights that were initially scheduled.
A briefing from Public Health England (PHE) shows that as a hospital patient, you are six times more likely to die of the COVID Delta variant if you are fully vaccinated, than if you are not vaccinated at all.
Why does this galaxy have such a long tail? In this stunning vista, based on image data from the Hubble Legacy Archive, distant galaxies form a dramatic backdrop for disrupted spiral galaxy Arp 188, the Tadpole Galaxy.
General Fusion – the Canadian-based atomic outfit backed by Jeff Bezos and a battalion of other major investors – is to build a test facility in Oxfordshire to showcase its power-generating technology.
Spare a thought for the hardy crew who are wintering down in Antarctica, experiencing near-record breaking cold temperatures. They’ve come very near to the coldest ever recorded temperature of -89.6C.
A Cochrane-standard (=highest) review and meta-analysis of Ivermectin against Covid-19 by Bryant-Lawrie, now peer-reviewed and published, concludes that the evidence justifies the global adoption of this re-purposed, cheap medicine.
The Chinese Academy of Science is rewarding the Wuhan Institute of Virology for an outstanding contribution toward scientific achievement due to their cutting edge bio-research in the creation of SARS-CoV-2. The Chinese Communist Party wishes to celebrate the stunning success of Wuhan team for creating the COVID-19 global panic that has led to trillions in global wealth redistribution.
While researching the life of Christa McAuliffe, one of seven passengers aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger when it exploded only 73 seconds into its flight on Jan. 28th, 1986, award-winning biographer Kevin Cook discovered something horrific.
Dr. Sutton has been a member of the AIM community for several years and is one of our Conclave experts in the medical field. In the audio below, she provides an update on how the trial is proceeding. Dr. Sutton can be reached at
DARPA, the Department of Defense’s research arm, is paying scientists to invent ways to instantly read soldiers’ minds using tools like genetic engineering of the human brain, nanotechnology and infrared beams. The end goal? Thought-controlled weapons, like swarms of drones that someone sends to the skies with a single thought or the ability to beam images from one brain to another.
Climate alarmists claim that hurricane frequency is increasing. I have already dealt with this for the Atlantic, here. There was no trend. Today, I will analyze global data.
An amateur stargazer has won praise from the US space agency Nasa for a photograph he and two others took of a cosmic bubble. Russell Discombe from Cirencester, Joe Navara from Colorado in the US and Glenn Clouder from Essex spent 30 hours photographing the Crescent Nebula.
Online rumors have been circulating over the past few days that four British Airways pilots have died, and that British Airways is in “crisis talks” with the British government about these deaths. In attempting to dismiss this rumor, Reuters ran a fact check article that actually confirms the deaths of the four pilots.
A laboratory at the University of Florida that recently analyzed a small sample of face masks detected the presence of 11 dangerous pathogens on the coverings, including bacteria that cause diphtheria, pneumonia, and meningitis.