Of the natural hazards in Mother Nature’s arsenal, tornadoes are some of the most vicious. But while other hazards are regularly considered in building designs, tornadoes have not been part of the equation for most structures in the United States, even in highly tornado-prone regions.
The UK’s new £50 note has entered circulation on the 109th anniversary of the birth of its subject, the mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing. Initially announced two years ago, and unveiled back in March, the note is due to become available in bank branches and ATMs over the coming days.
Those who have been injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are greater than six times more likely to die from a circulating “variant” like “Delta” than are unvaccinated people who just say no to strange experimental drugs from Tony Fauci and the government.
Audio from a podcast unearthed by The National Pulse appears to reveal Dr. Ralph Baric – who conducted bat coronavirus manipulation alongside Chinese researchers – contradicting Anthony Fauci’s claim that such research was never funded by his National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease.
As if we didn’t have enough weird things going on, now birds are suddenly dropping dead in large numbers all across the eastern half of the country. Before they die, a lot of these birds are exhibiting very strange symptoms.
The luciferase gene from the firefly, Photinus pyralis, was used as a reporter of gene expression by light production in transfected plant cells and transgenic plants.
According to the tracker map provided by Andrew Derocher (University of Alberta), all of the western Hudson Bay polar bear females that still have operational satellite collars (deployed in 2019) are still out on the ice of Hudson Bay.
Initial autopsy results showed the previously healthy boy suffered from myocarditis, an inflammatory heart condition CDC officials have acknowledged is “likely” linked to mRNA COVID vaccines.
“Flavour is a re-emerging trend, without a doubt,” says Franco Fubini (pictured), founder of fruit and vegetable supplier Natoora. You might be surprised that flavour ever went out of fashion.
A radar view of Lavinia Planitia, on Venus, where the planet’s rocky outer layer has broken into blocks (purple) delineated by belts of tectonic structures (yellow)
This week it was announced that a transgender weightlifter from New Zealand, Laurel Hubbard (pictured), will compete in the women’s category at the Olympics. Depending on your point of view, this is either a stunning victory for trans rights; or a woeful betrayal of women’s.
Trust the science: The phrase has echoed across the world throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, a supposed safeguard against questioning what mainstream “science” feeds us — or even injects into us.