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Rembrandt’s The Night Watch painting restored by AI

Written by BBC

The missing edges of Rembrandt’s painting The Night Watch have been restored using artificial intelligence. The canvas, created in 1642, was trimmed in 1715 to fit between two doors at Amsterdam’s city hall. Since then, 60cm (two feet) from the left, 22cm from the top, 12cm from the bottom and 7cm from the right have been missing.

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Virusomania and Covidophobia

Written by Gennady Ibraev

Imagine the world in 2050: the average age of the inhabitants of the earth is 30 to 35 years, the life expectancy is 50 to 55 years. No excesses, peace and grace. Every average inhabitant conscientiously performs the work entrusted to him and strives to go home quickly, where he, dissociating himself from everything around him, lives in a special world created by his delirium and hallucinations into the world of phantasmagoria.

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A Precast Concrete History Lesson

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Although precast concrete was not widely used until the early 1950s, it got its start in architecture long before that. Today it is one of the most widely used materials in construction worldwide. Almost two thousand years after it was built in Rome, the Pantheon’s dome is still the world’s largest unreinforced concrete dome.

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China’s Emissions Continue to Grow

Written by Jack Dini

China’s annual emissions in 2019 exceeded those of all developed countries combined. China’s emissions were less than a quarter of developed country emissions in 1990, but over the past three decades have more than tripled, reaching over 14 gigatons of CO2-equivalent in 2019.

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