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Renewables will impoverish us all

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Wind energy constitutes a farcical scheme that produces electricity in the least efficient way possible–well, to be fair, in many areas solar power is even worse–and impoverishes almost all of us while a tiny minority reap enormous profits.

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Are face Masks suitable for Everyday Use & Free of Potential Hazards?

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The potential drastic and undesirable effects found in multidisciplinary areas illustrate the general scope of global decisions on masks in general public in the light of combating the pandemic. According to the literature found, there are clear, scientifically recorded adverse effects for the mask wearer, both on a psychological and on a social and physical level.

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Coronavirus hit East Asia 20,000 years ago

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New research has shown that the current coronavirus pandemic is by no means the first to hit humanity. Yassine Souilmi and Ray Tobler of the Australian National University take a look back in history at a previous coronavirus pandemic that swept across East Asia 20,000 years ago.

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Fewer Cases of Autism, Allergies in Unvaccinated Children

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A study published this month in the Journal of Translational Science found children who were fully or partially vaccinated were diagnosed with autism, severe allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, asthma, recurring ear infections and ADD/ADHD more often than children who were completely unvaccinated.

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UFO report: US finds no explanation for sightings

Written by BBC

The US government has said it has no explanation for dozens of unidentified flying objects seen by military pilots. A Pentagon report released on Friday says of 144 reports made about the phenomena since 2004, all but one remain unexplained. It does not rule out the possibility that the objects are extra-terrestrial.

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