Lockdowns intended to collapse economies?
Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser
Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
The climate doom-mongers at The New York Times must now face the reality that their decades-old eco-Armageddon predictions were flat out wrong. The Times screeched in a 1995 story how “some of the predicted effects of climate change may now be emerging for the first time or with increasing clarity.”
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
Sir David King is a former UK chief scientific adviser to successive New Labour governments, and the founder of Independent SAGE, the self-appointed group of experts offering scientific advice to the UK government and the public on how to handle Covid. He has now announced he is to convene a new Indie SAGE-like group, this time tackling climate – the Climate Crisis Advisory Group (CCAG).
Written by zerohedge.com
La Niña weather patterns generally associated with dry condition in the Southwest ended in May. So when is the relief?
Written by zerohedge.com
Yesterday, we delved into the issue of the Delta variant as daily COVID cases reported in the US ticked higher after touching their lowest levels since the start of the pandemic. The data set off another round of warnings about the relatively large swath of Americans who refuse to get the vaccine.
Written by theepochtimes.com
A man has died in Pittsburgh after receiving a second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, and was determined to possibly have had a rare and severe blood clot condition called thrombosis with thrombocytopenia when he presented to the hospital, according to a report.
Written by Richard M Fleming PhD, MD, JD
Evidence shows that this virus is engineered with Gain of Function (GoF) including mechanisms creating an Inflammo Thrombotic Response (ITR) with mRNA Reverse Transcription (RT) into cell DNA with Prion-like structures present in the virus spike protein.
Written by conservativewoman.co.uk
‘We don’t doubt this is an important paper,’ wrote the senior editor of Lancet Respiratory Medicineon March 9 in response to our paper ‘Ivermectin for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis’, the brainchild of Dr Tess Lawrie and the world’s first Cochrane-standards ‘meta-analysis’ of clinical trials of the long-established anti-parasitic drug ivermectin, for treating, and preventing, Covid-19.
Written by miamiherald.com
All eight of Florida’s Urban Search and Rescue task forces are at the building collapse in Surfside, near Miami Beach. Teams from Israel and Mexico are there too.
Written by theregister.com
A pair of rich white men look set to duke it out at the edge of space after Virgin Galactic was given the green light by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to fly customers to space.
Written by veteranstoday.com
It is extremely likely that the US Navy fired a Mark 45 torpedo with a 10 kiloton W34 nuclear warhead on June 19th at a target deemed “hostile” 105 miles off the Florida coast, curiously adjacent to the Kennedy Space Center.
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
The national primary-school English teachers’ association has launched a climate propaganda blitz on the 5- to 14-years-olds placed in their care.
Written by theepochtimes.com
In updated guidance on COVID-19 testing strategies, the World Health Organization (WHO) says it does not currently recommend widespread screening of people without symptoms, citing the cost of such a strategy and its ineffectiveness.
Written by BBC
Scientists have identified a new contender for “patient zero” in the plague that caused the Black Death. A man who died more than 5,000 years ago in Latvia was infected with the earliest-known strain of the disease, according to new evidence.
Written by space.com
Much more liquid water may lie beneath the south pole of Mars than scientists had thought — or there may be something going on down there that they don’t fully understand.
Written by Engineering News Record
Thanks to a surveillance video, photos, a 2018 building-system survey and the original 1979 plans, structural engineers have pieced together the probable sequence of the fatal progressive collapse of part of the 12.5-story Champlain Towers South residential condominium, north of Miami Beach in Surfside, Fla.