VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021. The FDA also added another warning to the J&J vaccine of ‘serious but rare’ auto-immune disorder.
A recent District of Columbia law, the D.C. Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2020, allows kids aged 11 and up to get any vaccine recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), including COVID shots, without parental consent or knowledge. Now, parents are fighting back.
Doctors for Covid Ethics has sent the following letter to tens of thousands of doctors in Europe, summarising four recent scientific findings critical to the COVID-19 vaccination program. The letter explains each finding as it relates to the biology of COVID-19 vaccines, including interactions with the immune system.
America’s United Airlines and regional carrier Mesa Airlines have together ordered 200 electric airplanes from an aerospace startup for short-distance passenger flights.
Swiss journalist Alex Reichmuth reports on research that finds many more people die from cold than from heat. “That’s why global warming may actually be saving lives, on the balance.” Hat-tip: Die kalte Sonne.
NASA has completed a formal review of what engineers will have to do to switch the Hubble Space Telescope to its backup hardware. This comes more than a month after a problem with a payload computer aboard the veteran observatory sent the telescope into safe mode and engineers scurrying for contingency plans.
Every sick fellow human and every relative of deceased fellow humans has my deepest empathy, but, first and foremost, has also the right to know the truth.
Did you know the first 1G network was used in 1979? Then, 2G came about in 1991 when Finland brought encrypted digital voice calls with texting and basic email capabilities. When 3G hit in 2001, it came with four times faster capacities than 2G and what we remember as the beloved Blackberry.
After weeks of denying that vaccine passports would be introduced into everyday domestic life in the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced Monday that the government will ask nightclubs, pubs, and anywhere where people gather to adopt the measure ‘as a matter of social responsibility’.
Electricity has a surprisingly long history of use in medical science. Going all the way back to ancient Rome, physicians were known to use electric rays and other creatures capable of producing electricity with the organs in their bodies in the treatment of gout and other ailments.
Spain’s top court has ruled that last year’s strict coronavirus lockdown was unconstitutional. The ruling leaves the door open for people who were fined for breaking the rules to reclaim the money they paid.
The UK government has underscored its attention to detail on the issue of COVID-19 vaccine passports by publishing a report, half of which is made up of blank pages with no information.
The way ultra-processed foods may affect the brain has caused concern among some health experts. They suggest brain changes caused by eating a diet high in these foods can make cutting down on them difficult, especially for younger people.
Miri Anne Finch, a lawyer with the UK Medical Freedon Alliance, has produced an excellent list of letter templates for people wishing to challenge mask mandates and mandatory vaccines.