Divers exploring the sunken city of Thônis-Heracleion, in the Egyptian bay of Abū Qīr, have discovered the remains of a military vessel dated to the second century B.C.E. The ship was moored beside the city’s Temple of Amun when the building collapsed, sinking the boat under the weight of the structure’s large blocks, Reuters reports.
America’s Frontline Doctors filed a motion to stop the use of Emergency Use Authorization COVID vaccines for anyone under 18, anyone with natural immunity or anyone who hasn’t received informed consent.
Mandating children to wear facemasks for long periods of time while at school and participating in other activities is an unprecedented move, one that was put into place despite no research showing the practice is safe. It’s not simply a case of “something is better than nothing,” because the act of mask wearing comes with a risk of adverse effects.
Record droughts plague Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Paraguay, threaten crops, water reserves, and economic recovery. Concentrating on Argentina, water levels on the Parana River are at 77 year lows, according to Reuters.
I wonder how many people who have eagerly received COVID-19 injections from Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson are aware that these are two of the largest criminal organizations in the world?
A 4.6-billion-year-old meteorite found in a field in Gloucestershire, England, is likely a remnant of cosmic debris left over from the birth of the solar system and could answer questions about how life began on Earth.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is monitoring over 200 people in 27 states for potential exposure to monkeypox after their contacts were traced with a Texan who contracted the rare disease while traveling in Nigeria weeks ago.
Journalists could face prison sentences of up to 14 years for stories that embarrass the Government under plans to reform the Official Secrets Act that would treat them like foreign spies.
For decades, researchers around the world have searched for ways to use solar power to generate the key reaction for producing hydrogen as a clean energy source—splitting water molecules to form hydrogen and oxygen. However, such efforts have mostly failed because doing it well was too costly, and trying to do it at a low cost led to poor performance.
The Hubble Space Telescope is back in action doing what it does best – capturing stunning images of the universe – after more than 50 NASA engineers worked hundreds of hours to get the instrument working again.
One finds the practice in ancient Babylon/Mesopotamia 4,000 years ago. In Greece, the cults of Apollo, Demeter, and Rhea-Cybele often controlled the shipment of grain and other food stuffs, through the temples. In Imperial Rome, the control of grain became the basis of the empire.
Ancient “megaripples” as tall as five-story buildings are hiding deep under Louisiana, and their unique geology indicates that they formed in the immediate aftermath of the asteroid strike that killed the nonavian dinosaurs, a new study finds.
Lake Powell is getting an emergency release of water from upstream reservoirs. Water levels have approached a critical level. Water levels in Lake Powell are at record lows. If levels drop much further, hydroelectric turbines will cease to run. The lake supplies water to 30 million people and irrigation of 5 million acres.