Officials in California shut down recreational sites in South Lake Tahoe this week after a dead chipmunk infected with bubonic plague was found.
Chipmunks Test Positive for Bubonic Plague
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Officials in California shut down recreational sites in South Lake Tahoe this week after a dead chipmunk infected with bubonic plague was found.
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The Moderna and Pfizer vaccine tests were conducted, as customary, with a control group; a group within the trial who were given a placebo and not the test vaccine. However, during the trial -and after the untested vaccines were given emergency use authorization- the vaccine companies conducting the trial decided to break protocol and notify the control group they were not vaccinated.
Written by New England Journal of Medicine
Many pregnant persons in the United States are receiving messenger RNA (mRNA) coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) vaccines, but data are limited on their safety in pregnancy.
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Machu Picchu, in Cuzco, is one of the most famous of the Inca archaeological sites in South America. The precise dating of the monumental complex, however, relies largely on documentary sources.
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The strange-looking caecilians are limbless, worm-like amphibians that have been around for hundreds of millions of years, but they’ve never been found in the wild in the US – until now.
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A long-lost piece of Stonehenge that was taken by a man performing restoration work on the monument has been returned after 60 years, giving scientists a chance to peer inside a pillar of the iconic monument for the first time.
Written by Jill Malone
Someone wrote to me (Jill, Robert’s wife) as to why he didn’t speak up sooner about issues surrounding the vaccine and the roll out. So, it got me thinking – why now, what has been the events leading up to this?
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Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA vaccines (and DNA vaccines). He also discovered lipid mediated and naked RNA transfection technologies.
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Eight years ago another billionaire ploughed millions into space to harvest solar power and beam it back down to Earth
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Australian schoolkids get multiple forms of green indoctrination (for a partial list click here). Conservative state and federal governments do nothing about this and even promote it. But how well are kids actually absorbing the green narrative?
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The latest United Nations effort to draft a new global treaty on climate change proves Prime Minister Stephen Harper was right when he described its efforts as “a socialist scheme to suck money out of wealth-producing nations.”
Written by Guus Berkhout.
The huge floods in Europe show that the EU water drainage has fallen short in protecting citizens. Even in the South of my country (The Netherlands), with an excellent record of water management, there is a huge amount of damage. How could this happen?
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UK technology business G2O Water Technologies has landed its first commercial contract for the enhancement of water filtration membranes with graphene oxide.
Written by Geraint Hughes
In one of my previous articles I detailed an explanation to the deceptive trickery NASA gets up-to when Hyping Climate Crisis and in particular I pointed out they Con-tricks to mislead people into making wrong decisions.
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The landscape of medical science is on the verge of being radically altered forever by the use of a powerful microscope (the Somatoscope) developed by Gaston Naessens of Quebec, Canada,