Cannabidiol from the cannabis plant has potential to prevent and inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection
Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes Immune Response
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Cannabidiol from the cannabis plant has potential to prevent and inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection
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The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 24,526 fatalities, and 2,317,495 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.
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Technocrats are preparing “mandatory” personal carbon allowances that would introduce rationing into every area of your life via an app that would record your travel, heating expenses and even the food you eat.
Written by Tom Woods
First, a little good news. The policy of demanding masks and vaccination proof from audiences doesn’t exactly seem to be a winner.
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The Deep State’s primary Covid-19 vaccine peddler, Dr. Anthony Fauci, boasted to colleagues at the NIH that he has not taken and will not take the Covid jab, according a former NIH employee who claims Fauci personally fired him in June for “violating or considering to violate non-disclosure agreements” pertaining to vaccination protocols.
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Boffins say Martian colonists could pee in buckets and give blood if they want shelter. In terms of building materials, Mars has nothing to offer but blood, soil, sweat and tears. And urine. Lots of urine.
Written by Paul Homewood
The BBC are now literally making it up as they go along! Their latest claims of a doubling of 50-centigrade days is laughable.
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The climate cult’s true colours are revealed when it actively agitates against nuclear power; bad enough that they won’t promote it, worse still when they seek to sabotage nuclear power’s prospects, altogether.
Written by Dr. Jay Lehr
American oil history began for certain in a valley along a creek in a remote area of northwestern Pennsylvania on August 27, 1859. There a well drilled, with the intention of profiting from the extraction of oil, by Edwin Drake reached 69.5 feet into the ground and filled with oil to within 5 inches of the surface. Numerous countries have claimed to have drilled the first commercial oil well but with far less documentation.
Written by Dr Urmie Ray
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Fury as minister CONFIRMS plans to vaccinate all over-12s from next week but gives CHILDREN the final say on whether they get the jab, NOT their parents.
Written by The Mises Institute
Our healthcare system is broken, a fact nobody would have disputed in pre-Covid days. Regulatory capture is a reality, and the pharmaceutical industry is fraught with examples. Yet we trusted private-public partnerships to find an optimal solution to a global pandemic, assuming a crisis would bring out the best in historically corrupt institutions.
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A six-year search of space beyond the orbit of Neptune has netted 461 previously unknown objects.
Written by Viv Forbes
Weather or climate? It pays to know the difference before we slaughter our economy on the climate alarm altar.
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Amidst the wall to wall coverage of all things Covid, consumers of mainstream media will have missed one of the most significant recent decisions within the EU countries.