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18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

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A few friends have asked my thoughts on the covid jab(s) so I thought it was time to write an article on the topic. All my friends had not heard most of the details I shared, so I figured you might appreciate hearing some of what I told them.

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Without climate change polar bears would not exist

Written by Patrick Moore

A great deal of concern has been expressed during the past 30 years that human-caused climate change will render polar bears extinct. This is based entirely on speculation about the future climate rather than actual reductions in the present bear population. In fact, their numbers have increased during the past 50 years.

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Poor Support For Climate Change Costs

Written by Jack Dini

The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) has done a new poll of 1,200 regular US voters. While a strong majority of respondents said they are either somewhat or very concerned about climate change, 71 percent of respondents sent a strong message that they are unwilling to pay for climate change mitigation policies out of pocket.

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