Book reviews usually tell people, buy this new hardback. This article advises, don’t bother reading Silent Earth, much less purchasing a copy; it’s mostly a junk-science, anti-technology screed.
Nine months ago, the scientific establishment’s determined efforts to stifle debate on the origins of the pandemic began to crumble with the revelation that Peter Daszak, a British scientist with long-standing links to Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), had secretly orchestrated a landmark statement in The Lancet.
A study from Israel covering 4,800 healthcare workers showed antibody levels waned rapidly after two doses of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. Meanwhile, Pfizer today officially asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to authorize its vaccine for children 5 to 11 years old.
AI-powered DoD data analysis program named “Project Salus” shatters official vaccine narrative, shows A.D.E. accelerating in the fully vaccinated with each passing week.
The question should seem ludicrous on its face, yet many serious, educated and accomplished people in the U.S. and globally claim we are, starting with the President of the United States.
When the British people know the truth about the Midazolam murders and that those crimes were the result of government policy that is tantamount to targeted euthanasia, which is still a crime in this country, there will be nowhere for the Four Horsemen of COVID-1984 and their army of accomplices in white coats to hide from justice.
Shares of Amplify Energy crashed as much as 50 percent in premarket and is down 40 percent in the US cash session after its subsidiary, Beta Offshore, experienced a leak in its pipeline off the coast of Huntington Beach, Orange County.
The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) has criticized the government’s decision to halt further natural gas development in the North Sea, in the middle of a worsening energy and gas cost crisis, as bizarre and irrational.
The New York Times reports “Nearly 700,000 people in the U.S. have now died of Covid-19 — making this the deadliest pandemic in American history. A majority who died recently were in the South and unvaccinated. Many of the victims were also younger than before.“