In Great Britain there is now resistance to mass testing in the population using RT-PCR tests. These are too expensive. But not only that: they are also more or less completely useless.
Two researchers say countries should halt the administration of COVID-19 vaccines to pregnant and breastfeeding women after re-analyzing a study performed by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers.
In the United States we have some states we can be fairly confident will not return to lockdown or the other useless approaches to “mitigation” anytime soon, and then we also have jurisdictions that are introducing vaccine mandates to punish perceived political enemies.
A prominent French infectious disease doctor on Friday faced a disciplinary hearing for his controversial recommendations on Covid-19 that won him global fame at the height of the pandemic.
The people who none of us elect, who ultimately control international finance, all corporate & business activity, government policy and international relations have constructed a system that will enable them to seize the “global commons.”
Alleged problems with a major clinical trial examining Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine are being probed, a contract company involved in the research has confirmed.
OUR drugs watchdog, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), have sent out the most extraordinary press release ten months into the Covid-19 vaccination campaign. They have decided it is now prudent to use social media to encourage those who have suffered serious or life-changing adverse events to report them to the MHRA’s Yellow Card scheme.
Two subordinates of Dr. Anthony Fauci raised concerns in May 2016 that a taxpayer-funded grant may include gain-of-function experiments on bat coronaviruses at a Wuhan lab, but dropped the issue after nonprofit group EcoHealth Alliance downplayed the concerns, documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation show.
Greta Thunberg rejects all ideas of the enlightenment. Despite what she wails, she is now living in the best times ever to be a child on planet Earth. She can actually go to FLOP26, something that few of us would want to do.
Accumulating data on deaths from covid-19 show an association with age that closely matches the “normal” risk we all face. Explaining risk in this way could help people understand and manage their response, says David Spiegelhalter.
On the day digital cell phone service began in New York City, I was away from home at a three-day law conference. The day I returned home I became dizzy.
The Italian Higher Institute of Health has reduced the country’s official COVID death toll number by over 97 per cent after changing the definition of a fatality to someone who died from COVID rather than with COVID.