On 24 May 1969, a deep rumbling started within KÄ«lauea, the youngest of the volcanoes comprising the island of Hawaii.
Hawaii Volcanic eruption photos Are Out of This World
Written by sciencealert.com
Written by sciencealert.com
On 24 May 1969, a deep rumbling started within KÄ«lauea, the youngest of the volcanoes comprising the island of Hawaii.
Written by bizpacreview.com
Of all the fabricated narratives about the environment, this one takes the cake. Yes, there is plastic in the oceans, mostly discarded fishing gear, but there is no island of plastic waste twice the size of Texas in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Written by theregister.com
Northrop Grumman has assembled a team to come up with a design for a new Lunar Rover.
Written by theconservativetreehouse.com
The most vaccinated population in the world exists on Gibraltar, a British Overseas Territory located at the southern end of Spain. The average number of vaccinations is 2.79 per person for all residents.
Written by childrenshealthdefense.org
A senior bioethicist and director of the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health — who said he’s willing to risk his medical license — will argue against vaccine mandates during a Dec. 1 livestreamed roundtable.
Written by foxnews.com
Robert Kennedy Jr says industries like pharmaceuticals can turn US agencies into ‘sock puppets’
Written by Jack Dini
Written by BBC
A woman from Argentina appears to have rid herself of HIV without drugs or treatment – the second documented case of its kind in the world.
Written by healthimpactnews.com
The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 29,934 fatalities, and 2,804,900 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.
Written by BBC
Astronomers are getting ready to observe one of the longest partial lunar eclipses of the century tomorrow.
Written by theregister.com
NASA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has administered a kicking to the US space agency over its handling of the Artemis project, making grim reading for anyone hopeful of even a 2025 crewed lunar landing.
Written by theepochtimes.com
Health care workers who cannot take a COVID-19 vaccine due to medical, religious, or ethical objections are being fired from hospitals that mandated the shots for their staff members.
Written by Illinois News Bureau
Seismic waves are helping scientists to plumb the world’s deepest mystery: the planet’s inner core.
Written by Andy Rowlands
In the last few days, the media has been reporting Austria and Germany have reinstated draconian lockdowns, but this apparently only applies to the unvaxxed.
Written by space.com
NASA wants you to get excited about the nightmare world next door.
Written by canadianpatriot.org
Amidst the constant barrage of modern apocalyptic fear porn masquerading behind a pseudo-scientific veneer, we are told day in and day out that the world is racing to an ecological disaster that will undoubtedly destroy all life under floods and heat caused by human activity.