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Environment Agency Stokes Flood Fears

Written by Paul Homewood

The Daily Express is well known for its fake warnings of weather apocalypse, supplied by the likes of Exacta Weather, in the last few years – there’s always, supposedly a heatwave, blizzard, superstorm or flood just around the corner.

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The Phenomenon of Mass Formation

Written by Dr Joseph Mercola

In the video below, Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, reviews the societal conditions under which a population ends up willingly sacrificing their freedom.

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Coywolf Hybrids May Help Explain Human Evolution

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Even if you’re not an anthropologist, a publication called the Journal of Morphology sounds intriguing. For example, one of its recent stories on the coywolf – the offspring of a coyote and wolf mating – is relevant to current discussions on the attempted genetic hybridizations of humans and animals to provide transplantable organs, on combining ancient and modern DNA to de-extinct extinct animals, and the ever-increasing discoveries of ancient extinct hominids like the Neanderthals and Denisovans that mated with our human ancestors and contributed to our evolution.

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