Late last year, the Rhodes Trust capped off a cartoonish 2020 by naming the most preposterous set of Rhodes Scholars in American history.
How Rhodes Scholars Are Still Proof Of America’s Laughingstock Elite
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Late last year, the Rhodes Trust capped off a cartoonish 2020 by naming the most preposterous set of Rhodes Scholars in American history.
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The World Health Organization stood ready to declare smallpox eradicated following the last known case in 1977 in Somalia. However, another human being contracted the dreaded disease in Birmingham, England.
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British cardiologist confirms an American Heart Association study that COVID-19 shots are causing heart attacks.
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Work continues on code to make the observatory operate happily when control unit message sync glitches out
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The World Economic Forum (WEF) has announced that its public ‘Open Forum‘ set to take place in Davos in January next year has been canceled due to death threats.
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BATCHES of a common blood pressure drug have been recalled due to a potentially dangerous chemical substance being present in the pill.
Written by Ron Clutz
John Campbell explains in the video below how the new Pfizer pill copies one trick from Ivermectin, without IVM’s other anti-viral mechanisms, resulting in an inferior and dangerous medicine.
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When President Trump unveiled Operation Warp Speed in May 2020, he declared that it was “unlike anything our country has seen since the Manhattan Project.”
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
In many ways, it is a miracle that the human species has survived at all. Never mind the various natural disasters to which we have been prey, we have had to survive that greatest challenge to our species: ourselves.
Written by Tom Woods
Here we are nearly two years into this. Some thought: the vaccines will help, because at the very least they’ll calm the fears of the most irrational.
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A German euthanasia group says clients who want assisted suicide must first be vaccinated against COVID-19 — and the ridicule comes pouring in…
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University of Oxford Professor Jim Naismith asserts that despite England dropping its mask mandate in July and Scotland keeping its rules in force, official data shows this “has made no meaningful difference” to infection rates.
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People who are unvaccinated spread the COVID-19 delta variant virtually the same as the vaccinated, according to a study in a federal prison funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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Obesity is one of the many health conditions doctors say can put someone at greater risk from COVID-19. A new report is now revealing the true scope of how being overweight is contributing to the pandemic’s death toll.
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The leading doctor credited with improving early treatment of COVID-19 said in a conference that the goal of vaccine transmission campaigns is to “control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned.”
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When a pilot communicates with air traffic control, static and other interferences often lead to confusion with English language letters.