With another bitter winter biting and suicidal renewable energy policies, Germans are reaping the whirlwind.
Wind & Solar Obsessed Germany Faces Long Dark Winter
Written by stopthesethings.com
Written by stopthesethings.com
With another bitter winter biting and suicidal renewable energy policies, Germans are reaping the whirlwind.
Written by Iowa Capital Dispatch
Workers are in the process of cutting hundreds of discarded wind turbine blades into pieces and hauling them from their highly visible piles along U.S. Interstate 35 near Ellsworth.
Written by summit.news
The CEO of South Africa’s largest private healthcare network says that the Omicron variant is “so mild” that it “may signal the end of COVID-19.”
Written by thegatewaypundit.com
On Wednesday, Ursula Van Der Leyen – the chief of the European Union Commission – told the press that she would like to see the long-standing Nuremberg Code ignored completely in favor of allowing countries to force vaccinate anyone who is refusing to take the experimental jab.
Written by rootforamerica.com
The Covid vaccines are clearly causing a global health disaster. There are so many warnings from all around the world.
Written by lifesitenews.com
The attorney said federally-funded hospitals are ‘economically incentivized’ to keep patients hospitalized and on potentially harmful drugs, even against their will.
Written by theepochtimes.com
To hear the way some politicians talk, when it comes to COVID-19, they’re all “following the science,” not to mention “the data.”
Written by unredacted.co.uk
CDC director: So far, omicron instances in the United States appear predominantly minor.
Written by theepochtimes.com
A group of astronomers has discovered one of the biggest planets ever found orbiting a massive and extremely hot two-star system, despite previously believing that such an environment was too inhospitable for a planet to form in.
Written by Andrew Montford
It looks as though the energy crisis is about to hit the UK hard.
Written by Andy Rowlands
Last week, ABC News ran an article with the title ‘Earth is getting a black box to record our climate change actions, and it’s already started listening’
Written by Eastern Daily Press
A wind farm developer is hoping to build a massive battery plant south of Norwich to ensure there is enough energy when the wind stops blowing.
Written by Nancy Thorner
On Friday, November 26, 2021, a new B.1.1.529 variant was first reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) by South Africa and classified as a “variant of concern”,dubbed the “omicron” variant.
Written by indianbarassociation.in
World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court. [Kiran Yadav Vs. State and ors.Criminal Writ Petition (St.) 18017 of 2021]
Written by Steve Kirsch
There is no doubt the mRNA vaccines are causing prion diseases. People didn’t have these diseases before the shot and suddenly they develop them after the shot.
Written by theepochtimes.com
At least four US states in recent weeks have called in members of the National Guard to deal with health care staffing issues amid COVID-19 vaccine mandates for hospital and nursing home workers.