Rapid advances in large-scale connectomics are beginning to spotlight the importance of individual variations in the neural circuitry of the brain. They also highlight the limitations of “wiring diagrams” alone.
Physicists from Trinity have unlocked the secret that explains how large groups of individual “oscillators”—from flashing fireflies to cheering crowds, and from ticking clocks to clicking metronomes—tend to synchronize when in each other’s company.
Researchers at Toyota Central R&D Labs have recently created an insect-scale aerial robot with flapping wings, powered using wireless radiofrequency technology.
I’ve written extensively about lithium and issues surrounding its supply needs during the course of this year, and have no doubt I will be writing much more about it given the crucial role it will play in the ongoing energy transition.
For many years, Gobekli Tepe was considered to be the oldest human settlement. Previously taking the title of the first temple in the world, archaeologists recently unearthed Boncuklu Tarla, which is believed to be roughly 1,000 years older than Gobekli Tepe.
CANCER remains one of the biggest challenges facing health services around the world, and in the absence of a cure, prevention is key. One superfood, when incorporated into your diet, could slash your risk of disease and decrease tumour growth significantly.