How many Americans have died thanks to the Covid shots? Steve Kirsch thinks he knows.
Kirsch: 292,000 Dead from the Jab, a Deadly Bioweapon
Written by Stew Peters
Written by Stew Peters
How many Americans have died thanks to the Covid shots? Steve Kirsch thinks he knows.
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While not a substitute for vaccines, “CBD has the potential to prevent infections, such as breakthrough infections,” the study’s lead author said.
Written by Joe Postma
This is another one of those “the greenhouse effect doesn’t work the way we’ve always said it does, it works this new way now” schticks.
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
Late last year, I got into a discussion with a fellow who was quite sold on the idea that man’s activities were warming the Earth.
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Just outside the local primary school here in north London, somebody has sprayed these words on phone & cable junction boxes, highly visible to the mums and tots: COVID 1984
Written by Andy Rowlands
A few days ago on Good Morning Britain, an eco-hypocrite said new conservatories on houses should be banned…while being interviewed sat in her conservatory.
Written by Gregory Wrightstone & Kip Hansen
A recent report by the World Meteorological Organization claims that there has been a dramatic increase in the number of natural disasters over the last 50 years.
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Having lost his bid this time for that record-breaking 21st Grand Slam title and been ejected from Australia, Novak Djokovic probably wasn’t feeling his best on the 15-hour flight from Sydney to Dubai, but in the long run, he will emerge the big victor in his duel with the Australian government.
Written by Norman Doidge
Vaccines are a tool, not a silver bullet. If we’d allowed more scientific debate, we would have realized this earlier
Written by Ben Kaufman
We “followed the science”, but what was the cost?
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Two types of mouthwash disrupt SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, preventing it from replicating in a human cell, a new study suggests.
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From the initial “flattening of the curve” idea to, at first 60 percent, by now nearly 85+ percent of double/triple vaxxed people, the hospital wards are now claimed to be getting overrun by such “immuno-compromised” patients. Why?
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The former vice president of the World Health Organization’s European Advisory Group of experts in immunization; Professor Christian Perronne, yesterday said that all vaccinated people must quarantine over the winter months or risk serious illness.
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
You may have read reports recently that the range of hurricanes is going to expand into temperate latitudes, and affect cities such as New York, Boston, and Tokyo. All, of course, because of global warming.
Written by Dr. Susan Crockford
I have discovered that an entirely false meme has been circulating social media. For the record, here it is with an explanation of what’s wrong with it, which is everything.
Written by The Daily Mail
Dr Anthony Fauci, the US ‘top infectious disease expert’, seemingly frustrated by the waning level of virus fear, ramps up the rhetoric by warning that the Omicron variant may not spell the end of the pandemic.