A letter to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other UK government officials, signed by more than 130 UK medical professionals, accused the government of mishandling its response to the COVID pandemic, resulting in “massive, permanent and unnecessary harm” to the country.
They may make up just one per cent of the world’s tree species, but as it turns out a rare type of ancient tree could be the key to life for forests all over the world.
Dr David Cartland MBChB GP BMedSci (Hons) shares his vast medical and scientific experience in his interpretation of events of the last two years and his anecdotal analyses confirm what we have been reporting for a very long time from the big data.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Feb. 4 outlined an expected change to the COVID-19 vaccine schedule for people with weak immune systems and signaled that a different alteration is coming for the general population to try to cut the number of post-vaccination heart inflammation cases.
38,983 Deaths and 3,530,362 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database as Mass Funeral for Children who Died After Pfizer Vaccine Held in Switzerland
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines science as “knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation.” So science is human knowledge of facts, which has nothing to do with human intention or politics.
On Jeopardy January 25, 2022, the final clue in the category of Sea Life was, “In 2018, National Geographic reported that half of this was dead, ‘akin to a forest after a devastating fire.’”
Sweden and Switzerland joined Denmark, Norway, Finland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Italy, Lithuania, France and the UK in announcing they will lift COVID restrictions and open up their countries.
A new study published by Johns Hopkins University in the US, Lund University in Sweden, and Denmark’s Centre for Political Studies found that lockdowns did more harm than good, preventing just 0.2 per cent of deaths compared to letting people get on with their lives.