I have discovered that an entirely false meme has been circulating social media. For the record, here it is with an explanation of what’s wrong with it, which is everything.
Dr Anthony Fauci, the US ‘top infectious disease expert’, seemingly frustrated by the waning level of virus fear, ramps up the rhetoric by warning that the Omicron variant may not spell the end of the pandemic.
Lawyers worldwide submit new evidence to International Criminal Court alleging world leaders & scientific advisors have used Covid-19 & the injections to commit genocide and crimes against humanity
The masking of America, especially our children, has been detrimental to our mental and physical health. I weep when I see parents put these evil things on their little ones.
A doctor with decades of experience can’t practice medicine after her license was temporarily suspended over complaints that she shared coronavirus ‘misinformation’, according to a Maine licensing board.
A simple roadside weed may hold the key to understanding and predicting DNA mutation, according to new research from University of California, Davis, and the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology in Germany.
It has been far too long that science has been constricted by the many absurd assumptions underlying the early 20th century trainwreck that came to be called “standard model quantum mechanics”, sometimes called “the Copenhagen Interpretation” after the birthplace of the school’s founding father Niels Bohr.