Question – How do the DWP and the NHS let us know that they are aware of the safety issues with the COVID vaccination without saying so?
NHS and DWP Advertise Job Roles To Deal With Vaccine Damage Payments
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Question – How do the DWP and the NHS let us know that they are aware of the safety issues with the COVID vaccination without saying so?
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Research published today confirms that what scientists thought were two types of active galactic nuclei are, in fact, one: the features were simply tilted at different angles.
Written by Rachel Cowell
Water’s wacky density leads to strange effects that researchers are still uncovering.
Written by The Burning Platform
Before we note all those whose “sudden deaths” made news just this past week—“unexpected deaths” with no reported cause, or due to heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, cardiac arrest or swift, aggressive cancers (all known to be “adverse events” post-“vaccination”)—let’s review how this unprecedented global spike in sudden death has been deliberately obscured by “our free press.”
Written by Dr Joseph Mercola
The video below, by the German Club Der Klaren Worte, or the Club of Clear Words, takes a deep dive into the network of individuals and organizations responsible for the COVID scam.
Written by National Institutes for Health
COVID-19 is a global pandemic. Treatment with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), zinc, and azithromycin (AZM), also known as the Zelenko protocol, and treatment with intravenous (IV) vitamin C (IVC) have shown encouraging results in a large number of trials worldwide.
Written by BBC
Neuralink, the firm set up by Tesla boss Elon Musk to develop a device which connects our brains to computers, has denied animal cruelty claims.
Written by Science Learning
Seawater has many different gases dissolved in it, especially nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide.
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About 95 million years ago in what is now Australia, a massive crocodile relative clamped down with its powerful jaws on the small body of a dinosaur and gulped nearly all of it down in one mighty swallow.
Written by Dr Joseph Mercola
Something truly unthinkable is happening in America’s hospitals.
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Though Dr. Meryl Nass, a board-certified internal medicine physician, has been untangling narratives of dis- and misinformation long before COVID-19, it wasn’t until recently that her license was temporarily suspended under the allegation that she is now spreading it.
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A new study looking at the presence of pharmaceuticals in the world’s rivers found concentrations at potentially toxic levels in more than a quarter of the locations studied.
Written by Jerry Krause
The objective of this essay is to establish, by a video ( about the nesting bald eagles in Smith Rock State Park (2017) by George Lepp, that Dawin’s evolutionary idea about the origin of life is wrong.
Written by Bud Bromley
In the video at the link below her bio, Czech molecular biologist, biochemist, molecular geneticist, molecular microbiologist Dr. Soňa Peková, MD, PhD explains in layman terms that SARS Co-V2 virus originates from a lab, and Americans and others are trying to refute that fact, but it has been verified by next gen sequencing.
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In this interview, repeat guest Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, a board-certified family physician and author of the book, “The Clot Thickens: The Enduring Mystery of Heart Disease,” reviews the underlying mechanisms for heart disease, which for the last century has been the leading cause of death in the U.S.