When it was discovered in 2020, two scenarios were proposed for the discovery of the unusual HR 6819 system, one with, and one without a black hole.
‘Closest black hole system’ to Earth doesn’t actually have one
Written by The Daily Mail
Written by The Daily Mail
When it was discovered in 2020, two scenarios were proposed for the discovery of the unusual HR 6819 system, one with, and one without a black hole.
Written by icandecide.org
ICAN, through the efforts of its attorneys, obtained internal FDA emails showing that it carefully reviewed and considered its responses to ICAN’s claims regarding the clinical trials relied upon to license childhood vaccines.
Written by Dr Joseph Mercola
US hospitals receive payments for testing every patient for COVID, every COVID diagnosis and every ‘COVID death,’ as well as any time they use remdesivir and mechanical ventilation.
Written by infowars.com
Russia has accused the U.S. of “filling Ukraine with biolabs, which were – very possibly – used to study methods for destroying the Russian people at the genetic level.”
Written by BBC
The UK government has authorised the emergency use of a type of pesticide almost entirely banned in the EU because of the harm it can cause bees.
Written by childrenshealthdefense.org
A whistleblower lawsuit alleging fraud during Pfizer’s COVID vaccine trials is moving forward, after a district court judge unsealed the complaint, including 400 pages of exhibits.
Written by The Postil
We are very pleased to present this excerpt from Camus’ Plague: Myth for our World, by Gene Fendt, and published by St. Augustine’s Press, who continue to publish excellent and important books.
Written by msn.com
An international team of scientists has discovered a bacterium measuring nearly one centimeter in length in a mangrove on the French island of Guadeloupe in the Caribbean.
Written by newspunch.com
Leaked internal documents have surfaced proving the US Pentagon has been running top-secret biolabs in Ukraine and performing biological experiments on Ukrainian soldiers, with full legal indemnity against deaths and injuries.
Written by The Postil
Those who maintain an honest and detached approach to reality now know very well that giving the Covid vaccine to children (and young people in general) makes no medical or health sense.
Written by theepochtimes.com
Written by The Postil
Chemistry is a relatively young field, becoming a science between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Written by needtoknow.news
Romania’s most famous football team, Steaua Bucharest, announce a ban on VACCINATED players, because their owner says that athletes ‘lose strength’ – and claims those that are jabbed die in hospitals
Written by The New York Post
People say the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a messaging problem. But the CDC’s problem is not messaging — it’s issuing flawed guidance while covering up the data.
Written by Pierre Gosselin
Before their approval, largescale projects in Germany – almost without exception – have to be studied to determine their impacts on the surrounding environment. This step seems to be ignored for North Sea wind farms.
Written by conservativewoman.co.uk
WE must fight climate change, we’re told, to save us from being parched, fried or drowned in the rising tides.