Richard Hirschman, a board-certified embalmer and funeral director with more than 20 years of experience, has come forward with some mysterious and disturbing findings.
Listen to the experts, they told us. Well, the “public health” experts, it turns out, aren’t a particularly impressive bunch (in case that hasn’t become obvious by now).
If you took a COVID-19 PCR test, there’s a chance your swab may have been sent to scientists around the globe for genomic sequencing analysis, the CDC says.
While Earth has undergone periods of warming and cooling, they turn out to be unrelated to CO2, where the absence of a correlation between increased CO2 and global warming means there cannot be a causal connection (or, at best, only subtle, slight and highly convoluted links between them).
A few days ago, the Daily Mail carried an article entitled ‘Worst-case’ climate predictions of a 9F rise in global temperatures by the end of the century are ‘no longer plausible‘
Psychiatrist reveals the best way to deal with family members who have been brainwashed by the government, with an irrational fear of a virus with a 99+ percent survival rate.
Despite all the deep-sea expeditions and samples taken from the seabed over the past 100 years, humans still know very little about the ocean’s deepest reaches. And there are good reasons to learn more.
Many people choose to get vaccinated against COVID-19 because health authorities insist they reduce a person’s risk of experiencing a more severe case of the virus.
As pointed out by James Doidge, the JCVI take estimates for protection of prior infection against symptomatic disease and apply it to estimates of severe disease, thereby overestimating benefits by a lot. If true protection against severe disease is 95 percent, they overestimate protection by 6x – 10x.
The emotional stress of a broken heart can lead to cardiomyopathy and heart damage. The incidence of this heart condition is rising in this group of people.
A stroke or can have life-threatening consequences just like a heart attack. However, there are some early signs of a stroke that start showing up as early as a month before it actually happens.
Bill Gates, the billionaire founder of Microsoft and philanthropist who spends billions of dollars on vaccine development for use in third world countries, announced in a blog post on Tuesday that he has written a book about how the world can prevent the next pandemic.
Research published today confirms that what scientists thought were two types of active galactic nuclei are, in fact, one: the features were simply tilted at different angles.