Is Sars-Cov-2 airborne HIV?
Sars-Cov-2 Kills T-Cells, Just Like HIV
Written by Igor Chudov
Written by Igor Chudov
Is Sars-Cov-2 airborne HIV?
Written by Jack Dini
Written by Sophie O'Hara
There is something very odd going on at Fort Bragg.
Written by BBC
A powerful display of the aurora borealis was visible across many parts of Scotland a few days ago – from Orkney in the north to Dumfries and Galloway in the south.
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Plum Island, off the tip of New York’s Long Island, was opened in 1954 with the stated intent of protecting American livestock from animal diseases such as hoof-and-mouth disease.
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A research team from University of Lisbon (Portugal) and Johannes Gutenberg University (Germany) has developed for the first time an advanced numerical model of one of the main processes behind the movement of Earth’s tectonic plates.
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The Carnac Stones in Brittany have been one of the most puzzling archaeological sites in the world for hundreds of years.
Written by Sean Carney
Campaigner for 5G safety transparency and truth, Sean Carney, has issued a timely warning of the risks posed by the UK Government’s ill-considered plans to alter the law to push through untested, unsafe 5G mass rollout. Principia Scientific International shares Sean’s open letter in full below.
Written by Pierre Gosselin
The topic of “exploring the Earth’s polar regions” is topical again now.
Written by McMaster University
A mere spoonsful of soil pulled from Canada’s permafrost are opening vast windows into ancient life in the Yukon, revealing rich new information and rewriting previous beliefs about the extinction dynamics, dates and survival of megafauna like mammoths, horses and other long-lost species.
Written by Gregory Wrightstone
Is carbon dioxide — two pounds of which each of us exhales daily — a pollutant? And are weather catastrophes increasing as a result of higher concentrations of the gas?
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Thomas Renz is the attorney representing the DoD whistleblowers who exposed the alarming increase in vaccine-related injuries and deaths numbers leaked from the DMED database. {Backstory Here}
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On September 20, 1950, a US Navy ship just off the coast of San Francisco used a giant hose to spray a cloud of microbes into the air and into the city’s famous fog.
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Belgium should keep an open mind about extending the life-span of its remaining nuclear power plants, the country’s Green energy minister said on Monday, in a shift of position prompted by the conflict in Ukraine.
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There are indications the World Health Organisation is preparing to instigate a grab for world dominance on May 1st, 2022.
Written by National Institutes for Health
An important new paper from the US National Library of Medicine suggests there may be a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications, including 5G.