Models based on the young star just 30 light years away showed how the Sun behaved during its early years, the time when life began on Earth.
New star sheds light on how Sun behaved in its younger days
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Models based on the young star just 30 light years away showed how the Sun behaved during its early years, the time when life began on Earth.
Written by Wilson Sy
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The common idea that DNA determines so much of who we are—not only our eye or hair color, for example, but also our addictions, disorders, or susceptibility to cancer—is a misconception, said stem-cell biologist Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
Written by Dr Joseph Mercola
Dr. David Hanscom is an orthopedic surgeon who quit his practice to focus on helping teach people about nonsurgical strategies for chronic back pain.
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
German environmental destruction: 200-meter tall industrial wind turbines less than 1000-meters from a residential area get approved, the forest gets cleared, popular hiking route gets converted into an access road.
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An investment firm directed by President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden was a leading financial backer of a pandemic tracking and response firm that collaborated on identifying and isolating deadly pathogens in Ukrainian laboratories, receiving funds from the Obama administration’s Department of Defense in the process.
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Watch the video below for an explanation.
Written by The Brownstone Institute
Yes, Fauci has never worried about consistency or even contradicting himself one day to the next, often without explanation.
Written by Jack Phillips
Researchers in Europe say they have discovered microplastics in human blood for the first time ever.
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A very small group of criminal collaborators are at the top of the Great Panic of 2020. Using disciplined network analysis, the players and patterns emerge right before your eyes.
Written by The Financial Times
At least 11.20bn doses of coronavirus vaccines have been administered around the world, data from 233 locations show.
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The concept of ‘man-made climate change’ has always been a complete falsehood.
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Data taken from handwritten 130-year old rainfall observations from Met Office archives has revealed that extreme weather events are nothing new.
Written by Jack Phillips
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What really happened in the first 90 days of the jab rollout?
Written by Tom Woods
Yesterday our friend Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford University brought to the public’s attention what he called an “explosive interview” with former Sky News and ITV executive Mark Sherman about the way the UK government pressured the media to portray COVID and the government’s response a particular way.