Researchers say the differences may be down to changes in brain structure or the different ages at which boys and girls go through puberty
Oxbridge Study: Social media has negative impact on girls earlier than boys
Written by The Telegraph
Written by The Telegraph
Researchers say the differences may be down to changes in brain structure or the different ages at which boys and girls go through puberty
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Climate alarmism is about steering the public into a corporatist enterprise represented by “Build Back Better” and “The Great Reset” but it’s not working.
Written by David L. Debertin
Joe Biden ran a campaign in 2020 based on the idea that ‘fossil fuels’ are bad for everyone and that the companies producing such energy sources are, therefore, comprised of terrible people.
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China plans a massive increase in coal mining, a move that will dramatically reduce its reliance on imports.
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False beliefs about renewable energy are harming the environment.
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It’s possible that some of the worst horrors of the Chinese COVID-19 pandemic that has killed millions around the world have come from the side effects of the vaccinations, which sometimes have been forced on unwilling recipients by private companies or government bureaucrats.
Written by Frontline News
Britons who had their COVID booster shots tested positive for COVID significantly more than unvaccinated and unboosted Britons across most age groups, according to the latest data.
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NASA is offering a second lucrative contract to fund a lunar lander for its upcoming mission to put men and the first woman on the Moon, it announced this week.
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In a world-first, neighbours tormented by wind turbine noise have won a landmark victory, forcing the operator to shut down all of its wind turbines at night-time.
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A basement renovation project led to the archaeological discovery of a lifetime: the Derinkuyu Underground City, which could have housed 20,000 people.
Written by Fix the World
The bluetooth challenge explained, why Covid-vaxxed people are emitting bluetooth codes and how you can see it for yourself.
Written by BBC
Every so often, when conditions allow, archaeologists are rewarded with another offering from the distant past.
Written by Bevan Dockery
Written by Zachary Streiber
Heart abnormalities were detected in some adolescents in the months after COVID-19 vaccination, according to a study.
Written by Eric W. Dolan
Ego effectiveness refers to the ability to act in accordance with one’s ideal view of oneself.
Written by Douglas Helm
Scientists are always doing all kinds of interesting tests, and the latest has led to them creating a new type of ice.