Open a standard textbook in astronomy and read the discussion of galaxies, stars and planets. It will appear that gravity alone organized the cosmos and now keeps it running.
What Is the Electric Universe?
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Open a standard textbook in astronomy and read the discussion of galaxies, stars and planets. It will appear that gravity alone organized the cosmos and now keeps it running.
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An article appeared in euronews last year that is so ridiculous it’s laughable. It was entitled ‘How are caterpillars and their poo making climate change worse?’
Written by BBC
Energy firms have been asked to delay the closure of UK coal-fired power plants, by the government.
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Pfizer document release shows pregnant/nursing women were not included in vaccine clinical trials – there is no way it could have been called ‘safe and effective’ for women with child.
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“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” This famous quote by Henry Kissinger is ringing more and more true by the week.
Written by BBC
Could a moon near Saturn be the most Earth-like planet out there?
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The reactivation of latent viruses following ‘vaccination’ may be the cause of long COVID and other disorders
Written by Tom Woods
Dr. Risa Hoshino has spent the past two years pretending to be a frontline COVID doctor overwhelmed by physical exertion and the emotional drain of pouring herself into her work while faced with an allegedly apathetic public.
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Even though evolution has long been included in science textbooks, it is still a controversial topic.
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People in most countries in the world are already generally vaccinated—by official counts, over 5 billion of the world’s population has received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
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A patent application shows that Tesla has been working with CureVac on a possibly revolutionary “bioreactor for RNA” for over a year.
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I think we are now seeing the outlines of how the Fourth Branch of Government are planning to keep control over information, specifically public discussion on Big Tech platforms, even as Elon Musk moves to open the valves of information from the social media platform Twitter.
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Covid vaccination increases the risk of severe heart inflammation up to 120-fold, a major study from Scandinavia published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has found.
Written by Tom Woods
Well, even Dr. Fauci had to admit it: the U.S. is “certainly” out of the “pandemic phase.”
Written by The Unz Review
First, most of what we know comes from the Russians who investigated the bio-labs that were abandoned following the invasion of Ukraine.
Written by Steve Kirsch
Everyone agrees: COVID misinformation is a serious problem. But all the methods the authorities have used to try to address the problem attempt to censor free speech.