National Highways, the UK government company that plans, designs, builds, operates and maintains England’s motorways and major A roads, known as the strategic road network (SRN), has revealed that it has conducted a trial into how streetlighting could be used to pave the way for autonomous vehicles in the future.
In what we are now calling Dieselgeddon, the supply of diesel fuel in the United States is plunging. By the end of May or early June — unless something changes dramatically — diesel fuel will go into extreme scarcity and have to be rationed across America.
One of the biggest health stories in the world at the moment concerns the mystery about how and why children everywhere are developing a potentially fatal form of hepatitis.
I was astonished by the number of peoplewho contacted me after I broke my arm telling me they had broken theirs too — some of them this year, and others within the last few years.
Consider the idea of a package delivered by drone, and it’s easy to imagine a small flying machine depositing an item in a consumer’s driveway or backyard.
The U.S. FDA’s top vaccine official told a congressional committee on Friday that COVID-19 vaccines for kids under 6 will NOT have to meet the agency’s 50% efficacy threshold required to obtain Emergency Use Authorization.
The US Army officer who was found guilty of disobeying COVID-19 rules says he tried to communicate concerns regarding COVID-19 vaccines but was instead court-martialed.
A new CDC study shows that around 75 percent of American children—and nearly 60 percent of adults—have already had COVID. That means they have strong natural immunity that protects them from COVID infections as they get older.
Many people believe that because the geothermal heat flux is ~91 milliwatts/m², this would imply that, without the sun, the Earth’s surface would be ~36 Kelvin.