Late last week came this report in Science about doctored images in a series of very influential papers on amyloid and Alzheimer’s disease.
Faked Beta-Amyloid Data. What Does It Mean?
Written by Derek Lowe
Written by Derek Lowe
Late last week came this report in Science about doctored images in a series of very influential papers on amyloid and Alzheimer’s disease.
Written by H. Sterling Burnett
Way back when climate change was still called global warming, the whole thing was a bit more honest.
Written by RUV
Written by Andy Rowlands
A few days ago, the BBC posted an article to their website with the title ‘UK heatwave: Weather forecasters report unprecedented trolling‘
Written by Enrico Trigoso
Two retired U.S. generals; MG Paul Vallely, U.S. Army, and Thomas McInerney, USAF, raised concerns over the World Health Organization’s recent declaration of monkeypox as a global health emergency, alleging potential ulterior motives.
Written by Jack Phillips
White House medical adviser Anthony Fauci claimed Monday that he never recommended “locking anything down” when pressed about what he would do differently regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
Written by Zachary Streiber
The doctor who headed the Rhode Island Department of Health and recommended mask mandates be imposed during the pandemic was unaware of recent studies that indicate masking is not effective and that children are not major drivers of COVID-19 transmission.
Written by Zachary Streiber
Air Force officials were ordered on July 27 NOT to discipline airmen who are seeking religious exemptions to the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
Written by Nootropics Expert
Researchers at the University of Reading measured the impact of high doses of Vitamin B6 on young adults. And found participants in the study reported feeling less anxiety and not as depressed.
Written by Arthur Firstenberg
Written by Claes Johnson
In previous posts I have shown that CO2 alarmism is based on the idea that the atmosphere is warming the Earth surface by Downwelling Long Wave Radiation DLWR or Back Radiation as the physics of the Greenhouse Effect
Written by Levon Satamian
A California mother is suing the LAUSD after she says her 13-year-old son was given the COVID-19 vaccine in exchange for a pizza without her consent.
Written by Sean Carney
Did you know? There is a scandal. And it is very well explained in the video described with accessible information anyone can understand, showing how the government has u-turned on human rights and health since 2000, a year which heralded 2G and 3G wireless communications, but also promised science-based policies designed to protect the public from wireless radiation.
Written by Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D.
Using or promoting an invalid test is considered criminal negligence/activity in the scientific world punishable by law.
Written by Elizabeth Lee Vliet and Nicole Landers
The World Health Organization declaration of Monkey Pox as a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern”, was made by one man, WHO Director-General Tedros, who has no medical training, over the objection of the majority of his own expert committee of medical and scientific advisors.
Written by Arthur Allen
Forget COVID-19, monkeypox, and other viruses for the moment and consider another threat troubling infectious disease specialists: common urinary tract infections, or UTIs, that lead to emergency room visits and even hospitalizations because of the failure of oral antibiotics.