Women who are their own bosses might have healthier hearts to show for it, a new study suggests.
Self-Employed Women Are Often Healthier: Study
Written by HealthDay News
Written by HealthDay News
Women who are their own bosses might have healthier hearts to show for it, a new study suggests.
Written by Xiaoxu Sean Lin and Health 1+1
Many people thought that the poliovirus was extinct across the majority of the world, as the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared many continents polio-free.
Written by greenmedinfo.com
Researchers find strong evidence that relieving stress can recolor graying hair
Written by Jennifer Margulis and Joe Wang
A team of doctors has alerted the medical world to the danger of artery blockage from COVID vaccination with a new case report, published on August 5, 2022 in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science.
Written by Pamela Geller
The greatest medical crime against humanity in history.
Written by Joseph Postma
In the video below we take a look at a case study of the materialist mind, and analyze what prevents them from being able to comprehend conceptual arguments.
Written by Zachary Streiber
The CDC has admitted it gave false information about COVID-19 vaccine surveillance, including inaccurately saying it had conducted a certain type of analysis more than a year before it actually did.
Written by Ross Clark
We are, we are told, in the midst of a ‘climate emergency’ and the ‘sixth mass extinction’ of life on Earth. It is just that one of the iconic victims doesn’t seem to be playing ball.
Written by Jasper and Sardine
If you dare to point out the flaws in the notion of global warming, some climate activists would like to see you sent to prison, or at least fined.
Written by Dr Paul Elias Alexander
It is not unreasonable to conclude that surgical and cloth masks, used as they currently are being used (without other forms of PPE protection), have no impact on controlling the transmission of Covid-19 virus.
Written by Pamela Geller
The elites are ignoring massive post-vaccination death numbers. Data doesn’t lie.
Written by BBC
Harmful levels of drinking were normalised through the Covid pandemic, charities and medical staff have said.
Written by The Expose
In 1993 a very prophetic book was published by a former spy of the MI6 named Dr John Coleman.
Written by Zen Honeycutt
What does the science say regarding the biological effects of herbicides and pesticides in our food, soil, and water?
Written by Jim Fetzer
Guardians of the profession discard merit in order to alter the demographics of their field.
Written by Steve Kirsch
When you combine this result with negative vaccine efficacy, the COVID shots are completely nonsensical. Nobody should take them. We couldn’t find a single supportive anecdote!