Dr. Anthony Fauci, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, and other top Biden administration officials who were resisting efforts to obtain their communications with Big Tech companies must hand over the records, a federal judge ruled on Sept. 6.
Perhaps the only true benefit of the current European energy crisis is to make apparent to an economically motivated citizen population that “wishing and hoping” will not make the Green New Deal renewable energy dream a reality.
Patrick Moore, one of the founders of Greenpeace, said in an email obtained by The Epoch Times that his reasons for leaving Greenpeace were very clear: “Greenpeace was ‘hijacked’ by the political left when they realized there was money and power in the environmental movement. Left-leaning political activists in North America and Europe changed Greenpeace from a science-based organization to a political fundraising organization.”
An analysis by two German university professors of government data implicates COVID-19 vaccination as a factor in excess deaths in Germany, however, public health officials in Germany, the U.S. and elsewhere continue to ignore safety signals.
Popular oat cereals, oatmeal, granola and snack bars come with a hefty dose of the weed-killing poison in Roundup, according to independent laboratory tests commissioned by EWG.
Earth’s sister planet Venus is experiencing a bout of extreme space weather this week after a giant sunspot, not visible from Earth, expelled an enormous plasma burst toward the scorching-hot planet.
Over my working years on student advice and counselling, I have not encountered a student who wanted to study herbal medicine or Chinese medicine or the hundreds of alternative medicines out there.
Professor Emeritus (Poli-Sci) at Queens College, Andrew Hacker (b.1929), received his PhD from Princeton and later worked at Oxford. While not a mathematician, Hacker has taught university-level math and stats. He’s authored 10 books and written for the New York Times and New York Review of Books.
The UK is facing an unprecedented energy crisis with a £100billion bailout set to blow the country’s bank balance – and all the while renewables firms are finding huge profits literally blowing in the wind
Scientists have produced hydrogen from thin air, a development they say could help industry harvest the promising eco-fuel in the most arid environments.
I’m back on the VSRF Weekly Update this Thursday and we will be discussing the new bivalent booster vaccines and the staggering “died suddenly” numbers from the existing vaccines that together constitute a new public health crisis.
Britain appointed lawmaker Jacob Rees-Mogg, who has expressed scepticism about the need to fight ‘climate change’ as the new business secretary, raising concerns that he could delay the target of reducing net zero emissions by 2050.
Switzerland is considering jailing anyone who heats their rooms above 19C for up to three years if the country is forced to ration gas due to the Ukraine war.