In the beginning, there was … well, maybe there was no beginning.
Was the Big Bang the beginning of the universe?
Written by astronomyspace
Written by astronomyspace
In the beginning, there was … well, maybe there was no beginning.
Written by Andy Shaw
‘Crisis? What crisis?’ went the Sun’s famous headline, capturing Jim Callaghan’s complacency during the 1979 ‘Winter of Discontent.’
Written by Joel Smalley
This tide is turning slower than the Evergreen but at least it’s only going one way.
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
We doubt there’s a policy crazier or more likely to lose an election than making skint voters pay billions in climate change “reparations”
Written by The Pipeline
One of the first columns I wrote for The Pipeline almost three years ago employed the metaphor of the irresistible force meeting the immovable object to forecast the likely consequences of Green politics.
Written by Arian Marie
Whether it exists or not, Planet Nine continues to lurk in the proverbial shadows. Now, the scientific community has a new line of investigation into the elusive space object.
Written by Claes Johnson
Students in schools and universities suffer from cognitive dissonance by being exposed to contradictory information.
Written by Ron Barmby
Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau passed a motion in June 2019 declaring a National Climate Emergency in support of the 2015 Paris Agreement commitments.
Written by Joel Smalley
Let’s start with the COVID version of pin the tail on the donkey!
Written by Arian Marie
A newly published paper published in the Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society presents a mystery that is leaving experts stunned.
Written by
Written by Julia Musto
The ‘Group Futuro Vegetal’ took credit for the protest, and two people were subsequently arrested
Written by Joel Smalley
Freedom to believe Freedom to speak Freedom to choose
Written by Bjorn Lomborg
As the United Nations’ annual global climate summit, COP27, nears, it’s important to look with skepticism at the academic reports many news outlets cite as evidence supporting radical climate policies.
Written by Joel Smalley
Those of you who read this post this week will have had their eyes open to the shenanigans that NSW Health have been up to in hiding the adverse COVID vaccine data which showed that the governments, Pfizer, Moderna and basically every “respected” institution misled the public.
Written by Philip Patrick
A HUGE international survey measuring public concern about the threat of climate change appears to indicate growing scepticism across the globe.